
i never thought i would ever have to write this message. but to whoever is publishing MY work on novelhd.com, take it down. i don't care that it is under my username. i can not control what is published and never put it on that site. all of my stories are free, so there is NO reason that any of my books should be anywhere other than wattpad. 
          	this is beyond hurtful and frustrating and seriously so discouraging. i hope that you all understand that i take pride in my work and not being able to see what is posted under my own name???? that is unbelievable. 
          	i tried to contact the website and i can't reach anyone. how convenient. 
          	i want to thank all of my readers/followers who have been here with me since i was 13 and publish TAAHAM. we've come a long way and i'm grateful for the community we have. please just know that if you see my work anywhere other than on wattpad, it is not me. 
          	love you all, xoxoswaldo


You don’t deserve this 


@xoxoswaldo oh ya I am not an author but I just called someone out for taking a book and rewriting  same plotlines ending character names and everything


y'all really got me f*cked up too. bc all of my books are on multiple sites??? i don't think i will be updating for a while, because this is so f*cking unbelievable. 
          	  not sure if this is just a late thing that i am noticing but it sucks. if any authors follow me, please check to see if your story has been reproduced without your knowledge. 
          	  brb gonna go fight a btch.


i never thought i would ever have to write this message. but to whoever is publishing MY work on novelhd.com, take it down. i don't care that it is under my username. i can not control what is published and never put it on that site. all of my stories are free, so there is NO reason that any of my books should be anywhere other than wattpad. 
          this is beyond hurtful and frustrating and seriously so discouraging. i hope that you all understand that i take pride in my work and not being able to see what is posted under my own name???? that is unbelievable. 
          i tried to contact the website and i can't reach anyone. how convenient. 
          i want to thank all of my readers/followers who have been here with me since i was 13 and publish TAAHAM. we've come a long way and i'm grateful for the community we have. please just know that if you see my work anywhere other than on wattpad, it is not me. 
          love you all, xoxoswaldo


You don’t deserve this 


@xoxoswaldo oh ya I am not an author but I just called someone out for taking a book and rewriting  same plotlines ending character names and everything


y'all really got me f*cked up too. bc all of my books are on multiple sites??? i don't think i will be updating for a while, because this is so f*cking unbelievable. 
            not sure if this is just a late thing that i am noticing but it sucks. if any authors follow me, please check to see if your story has been reproduced without your knowledge. 
            brb gonna go fight a btch.


hi lovies!! sorry i’ve been gone for a while :( 
          college has been… well let’s just say it’s not been great for me (mental health wise). as a result, i’ve really been struggling with coming out with updates for “since it’s gone quiet”. i don’t know if ive ever announced this, but i actually have about 2-3 chapters saved at all times, that haven’t been published. that way, if anything like this ever happens i can update. 
          in regards to, taaham i really really really want to majorly update chapters. i find it so embarrassing when y’all comment about plot holes and character flaws, etc - lets remember i wrote it when i was 13. i just want it to be as good as it can be for my besties. also, want to give a huge shoutout to everyone reading “since you’ve been gone”. that book really got me back into writing and i owe it a lot. 
          love you all, 
          happy hanukkah
          merry christmas 
          happy kwanzaa


Diese Nachricht könnte beleidigend sein
hi all my lovies ! i know i'm a little late to the party, but happy new year! i could not be more excited that 2020 is over! but i am extremely grateful for the growth that this past year has brought for my stories! i am also so so thankful for you all, my lovely readers! i love you all so so so much! happy new year! here's to 2021 not being absolutely shit!


it’s me again!! ik y’all are probably tired of hearing from me lmao but i’ve noticed something that i really want to address. y’all all know about the program where wattpad pays their writers by putting ads in between chapters, and i’ve noticed that there are some ads in taaham, but... i’ve never been approached by wattpad lmao. so i don’t know who y’all are paying but it’s nooooot me. feel free to skip those ads baby girl bc i ain’t seen none of this money. xoxo <33


hi! i probably should delete this message, it’s kind of old! wattpad used to have a program where authors would get paid when they put ads in between chapters. this was way before the new update with coins and everything. thank you!! xoxo 


@xoxoswaldo  i read about it actually. If you use a premium version of Wattpad or if your readers need to buy coins to read your story, only then the author gets paid


hi guys!!! i know that it’s been soooo long since i’ve written but i thought i’d check in!!! recently, taaham hit 1 million views! one. million. that’s so unbelievable to me. i’m so grateful for all of my readers!!! this wouldn’t be possible without all of you, so thank you so much. i also wanted to let everyone know that i’m writing a new book, ‘since you’ve been gone’ and i think it has the potential to be something really great. i’d appreciate it if y’all took the time to look at it (feel free to tell me it’s terrible lmao). i love y’all!!! <33333


ik the ending was rough!! but i appreciate y’all reading!!! 


GUYS OMG!!!!! okay, that was too happy for me but like OMG TAAHAM HAS OVER HALF A MILLION READS ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!  when i started to write that book i still remember getting excited when two people had read it and now there are soooo many people that have read it and the numbers amaze me everytime i see them. thank you soooo much. before i go i just want to say that i have a new story and its called "Curls & Cora" you should totally check it out.. if you want! i love yall!!