
Anyone know what is going on? A lot of the profiles I follow are now no longer affiliated with Wattpad ambassadors and a lot of my settings have changed and I have been unsubscribed from the Wattpad newsletter without notice…I’m seeing a lot of big changes across the community with no explanation as to why. 


Anyone know what is going on? A lot of the profiles I follow are now no longer affiliated with Wattpad ambassadors and a lot of my settings have changed and I have been unsubscribed from the Wattpad newsletter without notice…I’m seeing a lot of big changes across the community with no explanation as to why. 


Hi. If you want take a look at my new book!!!  You won't regret it I can promise.  If you're going to be able to finish the story without a broken heart and tears in your eyes that I can't promise anymore.


The Conquered Throne… are you planning any more updates? Or has the story been dropped?


I do plan on eventually continuing this story, thank you for reading it btw. I am not sure at this time when that will be. I have another project I have been focusing on. I will definitely post an announcement when I resume posting chapters on Conquered Throne


Just stopping by to say congratulations on your Amby Award. I'm the other writer who won in the Fantasea category. I finished reading Heartsong and enjoyed it. You have such a lyrical writing voice! By coincidence, my protag is also named Cass but as in Cassandra. I wish you well with all your writing.


Thank you!!! I will definitely check out your entry soon. Cass must have been why we both won ;) Great minds. I wish you well with your writing and thank you again for reading Heartsong. Congratulations! 