
—my health has been slowly deteriorating and i have not been online for a while. i hoped that i’d be able to come back swift and ready, but everything is too much at the moment. 


@papertides I feel you, I’ve been sick lately as well and I just want you to know that I am thinking of you and hoping that you recover soon. Don’t worry about writing or anything that could stress you out, just focus on yourself and your recovery. Message me if you ever need to talk about ANYTHING. Sending love ♡


hey there, I just wanted to reach out and let you know that you’re not alone. It seems like you’re going through a tough time,  but remember you can push through! even when it feels like things are getting harder, remember you have the strength to navigate through it. take whatever time you need to focus on yourself and your well-being. you’re not alone, and I’m rooting for you every step of the way. be safe! 


—another year has come and gone. i want to thank each and every one of you for following me, for reading my crappy books. thank you so, so much! here’s to another year full of joyous memories for all of us, another year of gentle loves and caring hands. 


Hey nishaa here , I really loved the way u write
          I actually had a request !
          Can u please write a fan fiction of elenas twin who is not identical. And both the sisters love stefan salvatore! The oc character is never the one , she's always the shadow self of elena, she's called as an unwanted and defected child, she often gets panic attacks !! But as she sees the way stefan care for her she feels for him .Stefan doesn't notice it but eventually he start feeling for her when they both sacrifice themselves to klaus for damon.
          Finally the oc character should end up with stefan salvatore♡
          Their journey should be from season 1-8
          I'd be happy if you consider my request but if u cannot then it's okay!!


—i've been on wp for sooooo long that i remember when it had the chat function.


@papertides omg you just had to take me back !


ok i know the book is discontinued but i need to know if damon and freya beauchene remember eachother 


@SummerPalmz they do. it was supposed to end with them being human together, moving to a place where no one knew them so they could raise their little family there.