
Hey guys! I’m going to be moving some of my older Solangelo oneshots and some of my older Voltron oneshots to Ao3 and orphaning them. If you love something, set it free, ya know?
          	Just letting y’all know so you can download them onto your phone/computer/whatever you read on or find them on Ao3 to download. I’m demiboydemon on Ao3.


Hey guys! I’m going to be moving some of my older Solangelo oneshots and some of my older Voltron oneshots to Ao3 and orphaning them. If you love something, set it free, ya know?
          Just letting y’all know so you can download them onto your phone/computer/whatever you read on or find them on Ao3 to download. I’m demiboydemon on Ao3.


Hi! I just binged your solangelo oneshot book and I just want to say that you’re an amazing author! I love your work!


Omg thank you so much!! That’s so kind of you to say and it means so much to me. This made my week. I’m really happy you enjoyed it and thank you again for your kind words 


Guess who was in a podfic! It’s me, ya boi! I’m the voice of Lance and Kolivan :D Here’s a link if you’d like to give it a listen! 


@nonbinary_nightmare Hi there! can you pls continue writing solangelo one shots