
For anyone still unaware, Delirium's sequel is in the works and officially has a title; Delusion.
          	Thank you all for your continued support of me and my projects 


@mushroomfriend THERES A SEQUEL??? OH MY GOOOOOODDDDDDDD i cant waaaiiitttt!!! I just KNOW itll be as good as the first, maybe even better!! You're such a good writer 


@mushroomfriend  I honestly can’t wait for it, I loved Delirium sm


For anyone still unaware, Delirium's sequel is in the works and officially has a title; Delusion.
          Thank you all for your continued support of me and my projects 


@mushroomfriend THERES A SEQUEL??? OH MY GOOOOOODDDDDDDD i cant waaaiiitttt!!! I just KNOW itll be as good as the first, maybe even better!! You're such a good writer 


@mushroomfriend  I honestly can’t wait for it, I loved Delirium sm


I think I’ve read this Delirium three times already and it’s been my favorite piece creepypasta literature I have ever read  Thank you so much for making this fic and I’m excited for the next one :D!


Aww thank you so much!! <3 I really wanted to make something special and I'm glad it's a hit! I'm excited for the next one too!!


November's coming up, and that means NaNo is right around the corner! I'll be working on Delirium's sequel this year and see if I can finally hit that elusive 50k. Might do weekly updates so you can see how I'm doing (and perhaps a title drop at the end?... heeheehee) If any of you are doing NaNo as well, good luck! We'll make this a great one!


@mushroomfriend You have no idea how I screamed when I saw this... Delirium is the best book ever! Gonna have to reread it now haha


Bro booty cheeks are going to be eaten when Delirium 2 comes out on mother


@_bigbootybigheart_ Hahahaha I’m glad you think so! Thanks for the vote of confidence :] irons are in the fire!


I don't want to bother you or anything, but I just finished Delirium and I just wanted to say it's probably the best book I've seen on Wattpad in my opinion! I don't want to say to much or anything since I just wrote a 600+ word review in it's last chapter, plus a conspiracy theory in the second epilogue that took me way to long to make, but if that was a physical book in a store somewhere, I'd buy it in a heartbeat! 
          Good luck in all your future writing!


Awww thank you, thank you!! All your comments were hilarious. I’m so glad you liked it! 