
HARBINGER - Stiles Stilinski - IS PUBLISHED!
          	Season 1 is completed, and once season 2 is completed I will post that as well! I'm so excited for this story and I hope you all enjoy it as well!


So season 1 for this Stiles book is going to end up being at least 20 chapters with a read time of almost 3 hours…this Stiles book is already on track to be longer than my Steve Rogers and my Tony Stark stories somehow lmao


@GirlPotterheadXx oh this book is about to be INSANE! I almost have season 1 written so then I’m gonna drop season 1 in its entirety while I write season 2


So what if I told you all that my love of writing came back because I rediscovered my teenage love of Teen Wolf and now you've got a Stiles Stilinski story on the way that's formatted like my Steve Rogers one and all 6 seasons will be in one giant book


@mikammadi AWW, thank you, thank you, it will be an honor, as always, love. Need help? for the fc or something? because I can help you!


@mikammadi It's nice to have you back! I understand you, the same thing happened to me when I returned to one of the fics that I translated of him haha


@GirlPotterheadXx also you have full permission to translate the story whenever it's published lol


I could cry. 1 million reads on Imperial.
          Slate and Lottie were my babies when it came to Marvel, and Imperial and Audelia came along right after and I loved her just as much, just as quickly. I'm so glad you all loved Deli just like me, and I can never thank you enough for the support you've shown to me and to Lottie, Deli and all of my stories.
          I might not be on as often but I AM cooking, I'm trying to write in bulk to post and give you all a ton of content instead of sporadically updating. But I love you all so much and I will never be able to thank you enough for this platform you've given me.
          Speaking of the platform you've given me: FREE PALESTINE


@mikammadi congratulations, you deserve all of it and more. Thank you for letting us love lottie and audelia just as much as you have <3