
          	Hi, been a while heh...
          	I kinda dont have a lot of time on my hands anymore...
          	I first forgot my password for the app
          	Then just now remembered it
          	I may write again, may abandon the account again...
          	Idk to be honest with you all.
          	Lifes been weird and hard.
          	Depression got bad again but better now
          	Bf and i arw no longer together he now be my ex.
          	AGAIN found a new one.
          	Dear lord let this one stay.
          	I mean we do live together now
          	I have an engagement ring...
          	May be preg getting test after work tomorrow, been having symptoms 
          	Also new job, preschool teacher, kinda like it, kinda hate it.
          	Maybe i will start writing again on this account but if it gets abandoned im sorry really.
          	The chance for me to writw again is 30% out of 100%
          	I work from 6:30 to 4:30, get home and do house cleaning, cooking, laundry and other personal things. At 8 my fiance gets home and we eat, shower, he helps with dishes then we have cuddles and movies or enjoy each othera company until about 10 or 11 then sleep. So thats not much time for me to have to write...maybe whenever he works other hours of shifts and im alone i can writw but other than that i dont have a lot of time for anything at all...
          	But honestly i do miss writing and i do miss completing my books, reading fanfics isn't even something i do anymore and i miss it too.
          	Sorry for the disappointments ♡


@ llFangirl_Featuredll  i have important question (you don't have to answer if you don't want to) how did the preg test came out? 


@ llFangirl_Featuredll  Miss what do you mean sorry? I'm honest so glad for ya! It's okay if you don't write anymore because you have other responsibilities that are more important then that, and it's okay if you want to go back and write and stay in this loop of leaving and going back because what matter it's your happiness and your personal life! I couldn't be more happy to know your not as active as before because now you have a stable and full life rather then "something *this* bad happen and I'm not writing anymore..", so it's okay, really! Your works will still be here, and rather you decide to continue or leave them behind, just know that we will always be ready to read them and support you, because you write very good! But you don't need to put more stress in yourself and keep going if it's not something you like/it's not interested anymore, it's okay! 
          	  And btw, sorry for the long text, I have returned to read your works some weeks ago and I really just realized how good it truly is, so I wanted to get it all out of my chest..
          	  So, just remember! Take care and don't push yourself, prioritize your personal life above your online life and past time doing what you truly like/with people you love! That's all. :)


          Hi, been a while heh...
          I kinda dont have a lot of time on my hands anymore...
          I first forgot my password for the app
          Then just now remembered it
          I may write again, may abandon the account again...
          Idk to be honest with you all.
          Lifes been weird and hard.
          Depression got bad again but better now
          Bf and i arw no longer together he now be my ex.
          AGAIN found a new one.
          Dear lord let this one stay.
          I mean we do live together now
          I have an engagement ring...
          May be preg getting test after work tomorrow, been having symptoms 
          Also new job, preschool teacher, kinda like it, kinda hate it.
          Maybe i will start writing again on this account but if it gets abandoned im sorry really.
          The chance for me to writw again is 30% out of 100%
          I work from 6:30 to 4:30, get home and do house cleaning, cooking, laundry and other personal things. At 8 my fiance gets home and we eat, shower, he helps with dishes then we have cuddles and movies or enjoy each othera company until about 10 or 11 then sleep. So thats not much time for me to have to write...maybe whenever he works other hours of shifts and im alone i can writw but other than that i dont have a lot of time for anything at all...
          But honestly i do miss writing and i do miss completing my books, reading fanfics isn't even something i do anymore and i miss it too.
          Sorry for the disappointments ♡


@ llFangirl_Featuredll  i have important question (you don't have to answer if you don't want to) how did the preg test came out? 


@ llFangirl_Featuredll  Miss what do you mean sorry? I'm honest so glad for ya! It's okay if you don't write anymore because you have other responsibilities that are more important then that, and it's okay if you want to go back and write and stay in this loop of leaving and going back because what matter it's your happiness and your personal life! I couldn't be more happy to know your not as active as before because now you have a stable and full life rather then "something *this* bad happen and I'm not writing anymore..", so it's okay, really! Your works will still be here, and rather you decide to continue or leave them behind, just know that we will always be ready to read them and support you, because you write very good! But you don't need to put more stress in yourself and keep going if it's not something you like/it's not interested anymore, it's okay! 
            And btw, sorry for the long text, I have returned to read your works some weeks ago and I really just realized how good it truly is, so I wanted to get it all out of my chest..
            So, just remember! Take care and don't push yourself, prioritize your personal life above your online life and past time doing what you truly like/with people you love! That's all. :)


So, I've actually been reading some of my own books, because i need to remember the plot line and i just read the titanic male x male book, so there might be an update or two or three maybe four coming soon for that one.
          Also, the fact that some of my books aren't actual garbage even though i wrote most of them while i was a litteral child (speaking of the older books) really amazes me so thats nice to know.
          Be warned i dont know when I'll be updating the titanic male x male book yet but i do remember the plot line i wanted for it and i will definitely start on the updates on that when i have the time :)


          Its been a whole ass while.
          So i deleted wattpad when i factory reset my phone and when i tried to log back in i had to reset the password and couldn't remember the email i used for this account 
          But thank the gods, i found the note i wrote it on
          And damn im happy to be back!
          Writing again may take some time as i forgot how to be creative but i want to start again soon :)


Mary Christmas, happy new year and happy holidays to all!
          Though i dont celebrate the traditions of Christmas, being with my loved ones is enough for me and seeing them be happy about the day makes me happy.
          I hope you all find joy in today, new year or any other Holliday you may be celebrating before, in between and after.
          Let me know which Hollidays you have during this time, I'd like to know and learn more about them and other cultures/religions!


Okay, i know im dumb.
          So i got back together with the guy, i want to give him another chance, he told me that he wasn't trying to play with my feelings, he was just getting jealous easily and was scared I'd leave him so he got distant before i could but was trying to love me so i saw that as him playing with my feelings because i was there one day and the next he was distant.
          But it looks like hes getting better, we talk everyday, we spend time together, he doesn't get angry if other people look at me, its like I'm dating the real him now.
          It's starting to become amazing again.
          I did tell him if he fucks up again, there wont be any more chances and I'd permanently be gone from his life and he actually broke down saying how much he appreciates me and all i do
          So, lets give this love thing another chance 


@FutureDiaryAyano sorry i just realized i tagged muself here when i replied lol 


@llFangirl_Featuredll if they are reallly trying, I'd say give them a chance but everyones experience is different. My boyfriend was just trying to protect himself from heartbreak since he's had over 7 girlfriends cheat on him or hurt him worse. He wasn't trying to hurt me. If your person is willing to put in the effort and you really honestly believe he can be better, then maybe you can give them another chance, unless they were cheating/violent/have terrible habits then don't hurt yourself by giving them a chance to. I'm terrified, but I'm willing to take a chance at love again and if it doesn't work out, i understand that love is complicated and the right person will come by someday. I hope this helps


            You're not scared? Bc I'm debating on giving mine another chance and, honestly, I'm terrified.


Seeing how popular my books have gotten and how many comments i get asking for updates makes me want to write again, just devote all my time to it and i promise i will write again i just dont know when.
          I stopped when i got writers block but then my partner and i broke up, i met someone new and we didn't work out, i got busy with work and crying myself to sleep, i haven't had any real ideas i like to write and even if i do I'd probably just tell myself ill write later and never get to it.
          Im really sorry to everyone im disappointing by not  writing.
          Im not going to say that im taking a break from writing because im not and wont.
          I'll try my best to get new chapters out soon for maybe one or two books but i cant promise that it'll be within this month.
          I really am sorry


@llFangirl_Featuredll that's completely okay! I understand! I hope you feel better soon (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡