
          	• BTS as Free! Characters
          	• BTS as Ouran High School Host Club Characters
          	• Beach Day with (BTS member) headcanon series 
          	Next I get to start on the Harry Potter AU series!


This should go without saying but DO NOT use my edits for a chatbot cover!! A reader reached out to me via Instagram earlier today and sent me a screenshot showing that someone was using my Yunho vampire edit as a cover for a chatbot on an app called “Chai” my watermark was visible except for the L at the beginning, but THAT IS NOT OKAY!! It says very plainly in those chapters “Do not steal or repost my edits” and using them as a cover for a chatbot without my knowledge IS stealing and reposting!!
          I know people use fanarts and edits made by other their people for their chatbot covers all the time (usually without credit) and that is NOT okay! The least you can do is credit the person who made the image you’re using…
          If you want to use one of my edits for a chatbot cover ASK ME. And if I say yes then CREDIT ME in the character description and make sure the full watermark is visible on the photo. Smh… now if I make any more edits I’m gonna have to make the watermark really big and ugly and ruin the aesthetic because people don’t know common courtesy 


@kalyn_kaz I assume it’s because it’s “less important” since it’s just a silly app where you can talk to fake chatbots for fun and not an app you’d use for something important like a school paper.
            Still… people should know better. The edit was watermarked because someone had uploaded my original/old Hongjoong and Seonghwa ones to Pinterest and I wanted to make sure if it happened again, people would know who made them—I did NOT do it so people could use them for chatbot covers… 


It really should go without saying smh. You’d think that with AI being where it is, plagiarism would be less of a problem. How is it that all my papers for school have to go through a plagiarism checker, but sites like this don’t have ways to prevent plagiarism?


DMs are officially gone so if anyone ever needs to contact me privately, you can do so on my Instagram and Tumblr. My username is lilacmingi, same as it is here (socials are in my bio if you ever need a reminder)


@HatsuneMiku807450 Thank you for letting me know! I’m sorry to hear that though. I hope Wattpad can fix it and get you back into your account! 


Hey! This is @Miku_Chan7865! My FB account got ruined by this new update (>_<) so right now I’m on my backup account (T-T)


hey umm idk if you remember my friend @roundroti but she's right next to me and she feels bad for not completing your requests on her book and for disappearing lke 3 years ago
          i apologize she's just a little silly (and stupid)


@lilacmingi omg people like her that’s insane


you’re so sweet omg ❤︎︎❤︎︎❤︎︎


            Please tell her it’s totally fine!! I’m not upset at all and actually forgot about it tbh but I have been wondering what she’s been up to! I know people get busy, they get writers block, or they lose interest in things. ITS ALL GOOD! Thank you for reaching out for her! ❤️ I do actually still have her imagines book in my library in hopes that she’ll update again because she’s SO good at writing!! But also no rush because I understand writers block and lack of motivation. It’s the WORST.


          Jungkook • Web of Secrets | Spider-Man AU (part 1 and 2)
          Jimin • Friendship Bracelet
          Yoongi • Hidden Emotions
          Taehyung • The Eyepatch | Tokyo Ghoul AU
          Namjoon • Clouds
          Hoseok • Late-Night Adventure
          Jin • Waking Up Next To Him
          Jungkook • Songs I Think He Would Listen To
          Jimin • Songs I Think He Would Listen To
          Yoongi • Songs I Think He Would Listen To
          Taehyung • Songs I Think He Would Listen To
          Namjoon • Songs I Think He Would Listen To
          Hoseok • Songs I Think He Would Listen To
          Jin • Songs I Think He Would Listen To
          BTS • BT21 


Wattpad is getting rid of private messages and I couldn’t be more agitated. I didn’t use it often, but it came in handy! That’s where I used to have people send requests so I wouldn’t lose track of it and that’s where I reached out to people when I found out they were stealing my work. Now you’re telling me I have to deal with this stuff PUBLICLY in either a comment section or my/their message board? I already don’t like my message board being cluttered with posts and used as a “DM chat” and now that’s about to be one of the only ways people can contact me???
          I understand not many people used the DM feature and that’s why Wattpad is removing it but there are some things that need to be discussed/dealt with in private. Also!! I have messages saved from people who later became my Internet friends and messages from readers and silent readers who just wanted to stop in and tell me how much they love my stuff. I kept them to look back on and they’re gonna be gone in a few days T^T  


@lilacmingi I don't know what Wattpad's trying to do here but it's certainly not good :')


@lee_does_not_know Yep :’) if you go to your “messages” tab a announcement should be right at the top about private messages being taken away 


Hi, I read your writing tips and it has helped me alot. I was wondering if you could review a few stories of mine and tell me what I need to improve on. I'm so sorry for the disturbance. I love your imagines by the way .I started writing mine when I read one of yours.


Thank you! I’m glad they could help! ❤️ I don’t really review people’s stories, as I don’t really have the time to sit and do a proper analysis, but I did skim a couple imagines and all I can really say is that I recommend adding paragraphs to your work and putting dialogue on a separate line because when it’s all clustered together it’s hard to follow and that can draw people away. I know that writing tips chapter is reallyyy long so it’s easy to overlook but I did mention those tips in the chapter!
            When writing dialogue, you start a new line when another person is talking like:
            “Jimin, there you are!” You grinned.
            “Hey. Sorry I’m late.” He apologized with a chuckle. “I got stuck in traffic.”
            That looks much nicer than this:
            “Jimin, there you are!” You grinned. “Hey. Sorry I’m late.” He apologized with a chuckle. “I got stuck in traffic.”
            As for the paragraphs, it’s best to start a new paragraph when there’s a time skip or a change of scenery like if Y/n and Jimin were heading from their house to a restaurant. One paragraph would be them at home getting ready, another paragraph could be them in the car if you wanted to write about the drive there, and the next paragraph would be them at the restaurant. 
            I hope that helps! 


          BTS When They’re Insecure
          BTS as Marvel Superheroes
          BTS as DC Heroes
          I finally finished all the edits for the Marvel and DC chapters lolol it took me forever but I hope you all enjoy them! :) I also added a question of the day in the superhero chapters just for funsies if you’d like to participate :3 


@lilacmingi OMG YESSS MARVEL AND DC❤️❤️❤️


@StvrCvndy413 AAAAA you’re so sweet!! Thank you! ❤️