
Chasing Red is going to be adapted into a movie! I’m so happy I can finally share this with you. I’m so grateful to a lot of amazing people, but most especially you, my dear readers, who made this possible.
          	Here’s the link to my announcement. We’d love to hear your perfect cast for Red and Caleb!
          	Here’s the link to the article 


@isabelleronin loved this book from the start


Congratulations. I love your story. 


          	  Can’t wait


Hello everyone, thank you for sharing your stories with us and supporting fellow writers by allowing us to post our story here. Chasing red was the first book I read when I joined wattpad many years ago and I still love it to this day.
          Please check out my completed novel. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it :)


Halo kak maaf ngotorin wallnya,numpang promosi yak! thank you!!
          Apa ekspektasimu soal kehidupan yang ideal di usia 20 an? Punya tabungan banyak? Bisa beli rumah tanpa nyicil? Punya pacar yang perhatian? Atau udah dapat jodoh? Gimana kalo kehidupan yang kamu jalani tidak sesuai khayalanmu?.
          Diajeng Andyasita,perempuan berusia 25 tahun yang hidupnya hanya seputar masalah kerjaan dan tagihan token listrik sepanjang bulannya. Punya jabatan lumayan mentereng di tempat kerjanya tapi tetap saja tidak membuat kehidupannya lebih baik. Belum lagi stereotype bahwa diusianya sekarang harus ini lah,itu lah. Bagaimana cara dia menghadapinya?


          "لا أهتم." 
          أجابت ببرود وربطت حزام الأمان. 
          "لن أموت على أي حال."
          هسهس جونغكوك من ثقتها عندما أدار المفتاح وبدأ الإشعال. 
          "كيف أنت متأكد من ذلك؟"
          "لأنك قلت ذات مرة أنك ستموت أولاً قبل أن يتمكن أحد من إيذائي." 
          توقف عند ما قالته، مدركًا أنه قال هذا الشيء حقًا وما زال يعني ذلك . 
          نظر إلى ايرونا عندما التقت نظراتهما في نفس الوقت.
          "لكنني أتساءل لماذا لم تمت قبل أن يؤذيني جيمين."


Hello guys~~❤
          Sorry for randomly just spamming, but it would mean the world to me if you can 
          check out my story “Under Jacarandá Stars” ❤️

          If you are looking for unimaginable journey of love, friendship and romance! You won't be disappointed 
          I am a new writer so please leave your review too so I can improve my writing more:) 
          Comment and vote!
          (I’m willing to do a v4v)
          Thank you ✨