
Hello everyone, are you ab author that is interesting in signing with a platform? I am now a referrer for Letterlux and I am searching for authors to join the platform, please let me know if you are interesting and I will give you my code. 


Micah hey author why did you delete "MICAH" was a Great story..


@RituDas300 I'm editing it, I will upload it soon I promise sorry. 


I'm searching for a story. I don't quite remember it but this is what I remember so far. It's about this guy who's in school, his mother is working for the other guy who was obsessed with him. The guy who went to school, visited the other guy's workplace and hacked into his wifi... His mother had to leave for a trip because she got promoted, not sure if she left her boss in charge of the guy who's in school. Does that makes sense? Not sure, but that's all I can remember. 


@authorprincessjody it's called The C.E.O's Bad Boy it's a brilliant read and quite funny in places 


I didn't see part 2 of the lonely wolf  please update it here on wattpad 


@authorprincessjody  ok thanks Author will keep an eye out


@TammieGravely i am working on the chapters now, so I will be publishing it as soon as I'm done with the other stories im working on. But, hopefully it will be out soon. 