
uh, hi. it's been close to a year since I've been really unactive on this account. as it shows, I've been changing up everything a lot. i plan to sort of revive this and turn it into a place where i can happily write what i want to. any of my old friends, if y'all want to talk again, I'm always down for that.


uh, hi. it's been close to a year since I've been really unactive on this account. as it shows, I've been changing up everything a lot. i plan to sort of revive this and turn it into a place where i can happily write what i want to. any of my old friends, if y'all want to talk again, I'm always down for that.


ah , hi hi !!


well hi hi old friend ! uwu 


@zephyracy :0 'twas through my mm one lol


Gonna be on all day-
          Not going to school


@wxrrixr-fxry nah no reason to apologize. I probably did something stupid XD


@wxrrixr-fxry literally because I got hurt and idk how


I don't know how to feel about the Broadway recordings for BMC-
          I love Do You Wanna Hang, but I'm kinda scared to listen to the others--


@xXAestheticAnxietyXx Exactly! The original is still my favorite tho


Okay, pretty important.
          I'm not gonna be on much for a bit, idk how long, until my wifi is fixed soo
          Answers gonna be slow for a bit


@xXAestheticAnxietyXx oofle can ya tag me? I'll answer


@xXAestheticAnxietyXx speaking of, did I ever answer ours?