
Hello Wattpaders,
          	Our profile guidebook is now updated and our new reading lists functional. Be sure to check out our reading lists submission guidelines in our guidebook for more information and link to the submission form.


Hi Wattpadders,
          We are revamping our reading lists! To help us facilitate that, we will be closing our story submission forms for a short while as we set up our new lists. As soon as those forms are open again for story submissions we will let you know. We will also notify you when our guidebook has been updated with our new reading list submission guidelines.
          The purpose of the revamp is to enable us to build an extensive library that will allow readers to fully immerse themselves in all  the teen fiction genre has to offer here on Wattpad, and showcase even more amazing writers and their stories.
          Thanks for your patience while we get this all sorted out. 
          The TeenFiction team


@TeenFiction I forgot I even followed this


          Hello Wattpaders,
          There has been an update to Wattpad's Content Guidelines, effective April 15, 2024, regarding the age of consent that is now raised in stories to 18+. This change will clarify how Teen Fic and YA writers should approach romance storylines. Please carefully read through the information available via the link below, ensuring that your stories comply with these guidelines and are not at risk of being removed by Wattpad. 
          Note that all submissions to our reading lists are required to comply with Wattpad's Content Guidelines. As such, we will review stories currently on our reading lists to reflect the mentioned changes.
          We would also like to remind you that this profile is run and maintained by a team of Wattpad Ambassadors, who are volunteers and do not have any role in decisions made by Wattpad. Please, direct questions about the changes to the linked chapter above.
          Thank you for your attention and we wish you continued happy writing.


@MJKristo11 yeah that’s the best thing to do right now


@TeenFiction eh easy for me, I don't write explicit stuff anyway ^⁠_⁠^


          The results are finalized! Help us in congratulating @Melpomene16 as our short story winner and @AnushkaARMY13 as our poetry winner! You can read their entries here:
          Melpomene16 - https://www.wattpad.com/1403427393-advent-adventures-bauble-bauble-toil-and-trouble
          AnushkaARMY13 - https://www.wattpad.com/1403577122-midnight-inks-starlight-serenity
          Congratulations to @sMayer11 as well as our Honorable Mention! You put up a good fight for the winning spot! 
          Thank you to everyone who participated and we hope to see you all again in December for Advent Calendar 2024!


@TeenFiction Thank you all!! Congrats to the other winners!


@TeenFiction thanks a lot ❤️❤️ also thanks to the other participants who have participated 


@TeenFiction you should really put it in the book, like a winners' page


Hi Wattpaders!
          Tomorrow celebrations around the world begin! Are you excited? We know we are!
          So it's finally time to show our appreciation and gratitude! Today we invite you to a heartfelt activity Appreciation — https://www.wattpad.com/1401605604-advent-calendar-2023-window-23
          And don't forget to submit your entries before December 31st! You can find the prompts, guidelines, and submission form in Window 1.
          Merry Christmas!


@officialpearlkiss Hi there! What do you need us to explain further? This broadcast is included in the Advent Calendar activity where you show appreciation for your favorite authors of Wattpad! To know more about the activity, please visit the included link.
            If it is related to the latter part of the broadcast, please visit Window 1 in our Advent Calendar to learn more about the contest associated with the Advent Calendar.


@TeenFiction am sorry can you explain further?


Hi Wattpaders!
          2 more days until celebrations begin!
          Time to put on your writing hats! Join our Writing Skill activity — https://www.wattpad.com/1401605408-advent-calendar-2023-window-22


Hi Wattpaders!
          Just 4 more days until celebrations begin
          And it's time to grab those paint brushes or rather digital tools, to be precise. It's time for all the graphic designers in the house! Join in the Christmas Art activity — https://www.wattpad.com/1401605173-advent-calendar-2023-window-20
          Today ContemporyLit is hosting their own activity, make sure to visit their profile and join the joy of Christmas!