
The second chapter of my ONC is here! Do you root for the villains? Like Revenge stories? looking for a Villain and their henchman falling in love? Then this story is probably for you. 


Hello, just want to say I love His to Claim. One of my favorite books to read ❤️. I finished reading book two of the "series", however I can't find the book Predator and Prey, anywhere. You mentioned to check it out, but I wasn't sure if you had the chance to start it or post it. Thanks!


The second chapter of my ONC is here! Do you root for the villains? Like Revenge stories? looking for a Villain and their henchman falling in love? Then this story is probably for you. 


I think I'd like to say that life has been hard for everyone recently and the state of the world appears bleak. I know I've felt lost and hopeless, angry...
          Sometimes I look at my stories and they seem silly and inconsequential to everything else. But then I breathe and I remind myself that art matters so much in times of strife. 
          All of my fellow artists/writers should take time to remind themselves of this. We have power to bring joy and hope, to give voice, to craft dreams...
          I appreciate everyone who has taken time to read my silly stories.
          You bring me joy and hope to keep doing the same for you. I believe that things can change. I choose to believe in the goodness of mankind, but I understand that suffering won't end today. So, I'll keep creating worlds and characters that might inspire kindness and courage. 
          I love you guys. 
          I hope this finds you well. 
          And if you were feeling alone, I see you. 


@TeaNHeartache thank you for this wonderful message 


hi! i’m trying to find this book that i think you wrote. it’s about this girl who is a vet and gets roped into being a vet for a shifter boxer ring that’s both highly lucrative and illegal. did you write it/ finish it?


@sheepwolfdog that sounds like a super interesting book, but its not one that I wrote. But if you find it let me know, I might want to read it myself :-)


In the girl who cried Wolf book 1, what town is Rhys pack living in? I don't know if I've completely missed it 


@ TeaNHeartache  I see haha, thanks for answering so fast


@CatsBooksAndBrownies you didn't miss it. I intentionally never stated the name. Lol. Because I wanted to readers to just evision a small town vibe, any small town, anywhere in America. 