
Guys, I understand you want me to update. I want me to update but rn 4 college classes Mon-Fri is making me busy. Plus work.  I'll update when I can, I promise. I'd rather be writing than doing classwork but if I want to graduate by the end of summer I don't have a choice. 


@StationGleeFosters  thank you for understanding. And I am still sick. Trying to write some but I've also missed all the classes for one course because of being sick so I need to catch up on that during the weekend when I would usaully write


@StationGleeFosters hey its all good. I understand I am also a student. Thankfully, I don't have to work, but school is still hard, so take as much time as you need. I hope you are well now and college is going well


I was wondering if You  could write me a Marina fanfiction about maya being pregnant and then while attending the ultrasound with carina they discover that maya has pre eclampsia 


I would love to see how pre eclampsia effects maya mental health while she’s pregnant 


I'll try. No timeline, tho 


            The defining feature of preeclampsia is high blood pressure, proteinuria, or other signs of damage to the kidneys or other organs. You may have no noticeable symptoms. The first signs of preeclampsia are often detected during routine prenatal visits with a health care provider.
            Along with high blood pressure, preeclampsia signs and symptoms may include:
            Excess protein in urine (proteinuria) or other signs of kidney problems
            Decreased levels of platelets in blood (thrombocytopenia)
            Increased liver enzymes that indicate liver problems
            Severe headaches
            Changes in vision, including temporary loss of vision, blurred vision or light sensitivity
            Shortness of breath, caused by fluid in the lungs
            Pain in the upper belly, usually under the ribs on the right side
            Nausea or vomiting
            Weight gain and swelling (edema) are typical during healthy pregnancies. However, sudden weight gain or a sudden appearance of edema — particularly in your face and hands — may be a sign of preeclampsia.


Guys, I understand you want me to update. I want me to update but rn 4 college classes Mon-Fri is making me busy. Plus work.  I'll update when I can, I promise. I'd rather be writing than doing classwork but if I want to graduate by the end of summer I don't have a choice. 


@StationGleeFosters  thank you for understanding. And I am still sick. Trying to write some but I've also missed all the classes for one course because of being sick so I need to catch up on that during the weekend when I would usaully write


@StationGleeFosters hey its all good. I understand I am also a student. Thankfully, I don't have to work, but school is still hard, so take as much time as you need. I hope you are well now and college is going well


So, I'm really worried. I'm not getting any better and if my cough and stuffy nose don't semi go away I'm gonna go to a clinic. I don't know if this is another cold or something else.


@StationGleeFosters I think you should get tested for the flu.


I think you should get tested just in case it Covid 


Have you been tested for Covid 


Guys, I've been really sick lately which is why I haven't posted, plus I'm a hockey fan and my team is in the playoffs. That's why I've been posting so slow. That along with work and school is killing me emotionally since I've only gone to college for my parents. 


            Take care of you self my deary n feel better soon
            Ur fan club will still be waiting here when ever you decide post again


@StationGleeFosters ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Sorry for the lack of updates, everyone. I've been feeling sick, and work and school have been insane this week. I'm trying to write, but I have gotten busy. I'm so sorry.