
Hey guys
          	I’ve tried to contact Wattpad to get my books back. They took a while to reply to my queries but it seems my books were under review due to several fanart books based on my story. These fanart books could sometimes be mature themed like the books. It made a few fanart books get banned (which I was aware of previously), and the investigation took place into my book due to them being flagged because of these. I tried to explain that my books were on mature reading levels, however there are guidelines in place which have taken down books similar to mine. I know of some of my favourite books having also been banned and deleted due to this. 
          	To be honest, wattpad isn’t really budging on this and they basically told me to be happy I still have my account running and that it wasn’t deleted completely. I did used to have another account which got deleted completely and I can’t access it anymore so I know about their procedures. 
          	I’m really sorry about this guys, but as you can imagine it’s been really demotivating to me because this was a career I was considering on pursuing professionally. I might still write some books in the future but for now, I’m not I’m not motivated enough or honestly calm enough to continue with this story. 
          	My mental health is being affected by this whole ordeal, and having people accuse me of lying and sending dm’s which are hateful and saying I’m lying and simply deleted the story myself, aren’t helping. I’m truly done for now with writing. I’ve enjoyed every moment of this fanbase. 
          	Goodbye everyone. 


Could you publish your books in Kindle? Your books are great and there will be a market for it


@Snowee28 I’m the admin of the discord community we also have copies of your books there (1-5) if you have lost your books we can send it to you, convert it to a document if you ever want to continue writing them. Please contact me, I and a few others really truly want to help you. Whenever you are ready, nothing is lost. 


@Snowee28 don’t worry, work on your mental health we will all still be here. I have made a discord community with everyone here that can join, whenever you feel like u want to continue (no matter how much times passes, I will still be here). Your books are amazing you are a talented writer, I will personally help you with whatever you need from proofreading or editing or if u ever want to publish ur books contact me I’ll help you and make the process easier. Here is my email:
          	  And here is the link to the discord:


K just got done reading alot of the convo's and now know what happend and to @Snowee28 I just want to say don't listen to the haters they are just lashing out because they don't know what else to do and you should still continue with the career of writing you are really good at it and it suits you just remember every great road has hard times this is just one of those moments it's how you choose to move forward that counts and I believe you can do great things you've already inspired so many people   people who look up to you you need to show then that just because something went wrong doesn't mean all is lost we all believe in you you can do this


I'm a fan since 2022 i stop reading Wattpad cause there's a lot to do in school and just now i stalk my other acc bfr and found you, I'm hopping to see your story but found nothing so i read all the comments and truly  your story MTAV is already gone. It's just sad that i didn't even know the end of the story. The story is really amazing the plot is unexpected and beautiful, even though it's gone we're still your fan sending hugs  you're truly a master in making a piece of story thanyouuu for creating that story❤️


Guys it’s the same discord link it works it’s unlimited joining and no time limit. Please share with people who don’t have it. Make sure to read the rules and read carefully on selecting roles and checking pins before asking admins where the books are (it’s been getting annoying). It’s all there in the server. Here is the link:
          I’m just hoping @Snowee28 sees this, I miss the series  and there is definitely a market for it if she continues


@JazzSilverFlame I found book 3 but not book 1 and 2 do u have the link


Again I’m hoping @Snowee28 can contact me (@jasminesilver on discord), there are people on the server who are willing to help you with anything you need with getting back the books if you don’t have them or putting them into a editable format, literally anything to help you. I’ll keep checking in on any updates here on wattpad every few months to see if you respond Snowee 