
Hey there all my beloved followers,
          	I just want to check in and say that I’m alive and doing well. Life… life has just been one hell of a roller coaster ride these past two years, and I can’t even express how I’m sorry for failing you, or how much I’ve been missing you and all my boys. 
          	I know that I don’t owe anyone any explanation and yet I feel like I should tell you a bit. 
          	First, there was my dog’s death almost two years ago. After over 16 years with us, let’s say that it was a very painful loss. Shortly after our dearest Jack Russel died, we took in two baby Cane Corso sisters, a terrible mistake that their seller should have warned us of. The first few months were wonderful until they hit adolescence and started fighting. We’ve been told recently that two females are the worst case scenario. And if you know cane corsos, you know what I mean by violent fights. We have to keep them separated, never meet in the house, or even the garden now. 
          	We’ve been told to get rid of one of them. That’s not gonna happen. Never. They’re the most beautiful girlies we’ve ever seen, absolutely adorable, I don’t even have words to say how much I love them. They’re so attaching, so loving, they cuddle us all the time. I could never decide to see one of them leave, even if that means a lot of work, attention and caution, even if that means having the house cut in two. 


@Snape75 All that matters to me is that you are alive ! 


So glad to see you’re well really happy that you’re back, we missed you and your stories, always coming back to check if you came back and to know if we had updates on if you were okay. 
          	  Thank you for giving us such amazing series, hope you publish them one day, would love to keep them in my library to read and reread over and over again. Welcome back


So happy to hear you are coming back to finish the series. I would like to ask if I may use some of your words that you wrote in an A/N from i think Dark side of the moon. where you write in Italics about love opening with LOVE, Menino. Love is a dearly sweet virtue. Words by Ivan, for wedding vows that I love to write, I would be adding to your words about how love also affords us to learn the true meaning of forgiveness. As it is only in relationships that we can learn the true meaning of forgiveness, as during any partnership we learn to forgive our partners thousands of times over the course of a relationship. Love always leads us to forgiveness the true purpose of the heart to give and receive love, for without love there is not forgiveness.


Hey there all my beloved followers,
          I just want to check in and say that I’m alive and doing well. Life… life has just been one hell of a roller coaster ride these past two years, and I can’t even express how I’m sorry for failing you, or how much I’ve been missing you and all my boys. 
          I know that I don’t owe anyone any explanation and yet I feel like I should tell you a bit. 
          First, there was my dog’s death almost two years ago. After over 16 years with us, let’s say that it was a very painful loss. Shortly after our dearest Jack Russel died, we took in two baby Cane Corso sisters, a terrible mistake that their seller should have warned us of. The first few months were wonderful until they hit adolescence and started fighting. We’ve been told recently that two females are the worst case scenario. And if you know cane corsos, you know what I mean by violent fights. We have to keep them separated, never meet in the house, or even the garden now. 
          We’ve been told to get rid of one of them. That’s not gonna happen. Never. They’re the most beautiful girlies we’ve ever seen, absolutely adorable, I don’t even have words to say how much I love them. They’re so attaching, so loving, they cuddle us all the time. I could never decide to see one of them leave, even if that means a lot of work, attention and caution, even if that means having the house cut in two. 


@Snape75 All that matters to me is that you are alive ! 


So glad to see you’re well really happy that you’re back, we missed you and your stories, always coming back to check if you came back and to know if we had updates on if you were okay. 
            Thank you for giving us such amazing series, hope you publish them one day, would love to keep them in my library to read and reread over and over again. Welcome back