
You know what I love? Team Fortress 2! 
          	A Classic and Lovable Class based shooter, You can't go wrong with it!
          	I was late for the party since I never had a laptop until a year back, but I played it and I freaking loved it!
          	The Gameplay, The Classes, The Freaking Community! It's all awesome
          	You know what I don't love about it? The bot problem.
          	For a long time now there have been bots flooding the servers and has been basically ruining the game and making it unplayable
          	And you know what the kicker is? Valve has done jack over the years to fix it, while they still profit off of the game!
          	And you know what? Me and a lot of people are sick of it! The Bots and Valves Inaction!
          	We tried this two other times in the past, with lacking degree's of success, but third time's the charm, besides we have nothing to lose at this point.
          	There's a currently a petition to fix tf2! I'm asking if you're a fan of tf2, please help and spread the word, even if you aren't a fan, it still wouldn't hurt to help!


You know what I love? Team Fortress 2! 
          A Classic and Lovable Class based shooter, You can't go wrong with it!
          I was late for the party since I never had a laptop until a year back, but I played it and I freaking loved it!
          The Gameplay, The Classes, The Freaking Community! It's all awesome
          You know what I don't love about it? The bot problem.
          For a long time now there have been bots flooding the servers and has been basically ruining the game and making it unplayable
          And you know what the kicker is? Valve has done jack over the years to fix it, while they still profit off of the game!
          And you know what? Me and a lot of people are sick of it! The Bots and Valves Inaction!
          We tried this two other times in the past, with lacking degree's of success, but third time's the charm, besides we have nothing to lose at this point.
          There's a currently a petition to fix tf2! I'm asking if you're a fan of tf2, please help and spread the word, even if you aren't a fan, it still wouldn't hurt to help!



So I heard that Wattpad was getting rid of Private Messages. So here's this petition if you guys are interested!

          But under the circumstances that they still do get rid of it, you can contact be though alternative ways
          Discord, maybe steam, etc. They're all in my description!


Hey folks, Today is the Anniversary of my Birth! I am now a 19 year old boy!
          Geez I'm old.


@Robcartree Happy Birthday man! Hope you had a great birthday party and such! 


So, Wattpad gonna shoot itself in the foot again.
          How? Because they're getting rid of private Messages!
          Nice move Wattpad, Real Nice move.


@Robcartree that seems like something they are starting to do a lot of that now