
Hey everyone.
          	I’ve been getting people concerned about my mental health and all. And let me address that really quick.
          	First of all, I really appreciate the concern. I find mental health issues to be a major issue that needs to be more addressed and researched.
          	Second, I am okay as of right now. So don’t worry about me.
          	However, over next weekend, I’m gonna be out of commission for a little while because I’ll be getting my wisdom teeth pulled.
          	So I’ve been wanting to get writing done with the free time I have right now. And the story I’m working on is literally a clean up of what the original story is. So I can get stuff done fast.
          	Okay, thanks for sticking around and I’ll catch you later.


Hey everyone.
          I’ve been getting people concerned about my mental health and all. And let me address that really quick.
          First of all, I really appreciate the concern. I find mental health issues to be a major issue that needs to be more addressed and researched.
          Second, I am okay as of right now. So don’t worry about me.
          However, over next weekend, I’m gonna be out of commission for a little while because I’ll be getting my wisdom teeth pulled.
          So I’ve been wanting to get writing done with the free time I have right now. And the story I’m working on is literally a clean up of what the original story is. So I can get stuff done fast.
          Okay, thanks for sticking around and I’ll catch you later.


I don’t think I’ll be getting a lot of sleep after the jjk leaks. I’ve got so many questions.
          For those who saw the leaks, what’s  your thoughts?


@RedHood129 i think its a dope way of keeping him alive, but I wish it would've been through HIS own means. Ya know like he did before.


Understandable. I’m just so curious now what’s gonna happened. MF Gege has got me hooked.


@RedHood129 its peak actual peak my only problem is everyone on the jujutsu folk discord is complaining


Happy Mother’s Day peeps. Wherever you are, show some love and appreciation to your moms.


@M5sherman it’s the American one today


Hey y’all,
          First of all, thank you all for your thoughts and condolences at this time. My family is still pretty drained out from yesterday, so I ended up taking some more time off work to focus on being with them.
          Death is no stranger to me. I lost my first grandfather when I was five, one of my uncles a few years later. My dad passed away when I was twelve, and I lost my older stepsister when I was 16.
          Overall, it just keeps in mind that you should value every bit of your time with everyone. Cause you don’t know how much time there’s left.
          Also on another note, I ended up watching Tales of Wedding Rings. It’s not bad, but the MC, Haruto Satou is kinda mid. He gets a bit better in the manga though. And the ecchi isn’t too overbearing. I’d give it an 8/10.


@RedHood129 stay strong brother death isn't easy to get over but never let it get to you live on for there sake


@RedHood129 Sorry about what you're going through


Death always sucks brother. As long as you keep going forward through hard times like this you’ll be okay. 


Good morning everyone, around my time zone at least.
          I’m just here to inform you that I won’t be doing any writing for today, as my grandfather has passed away today. I’ll be with my family for the time being.
          Thank you for your time.


@RedHood129 I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure he's at better place now


(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) he will be rememberd


@RedHood129 I’m sorry about your loss. Take all the time you need


this message may be offensive
To my WWE fans if there are any here…
          And I give my thanks to Roman Reigns. Thank you for an incredible run. Roman will hands down become immortalized for sure.
          What’s your take on WrestleMania?
          Hands down in my book, one of the greatest Main Events I got to watch.


I honestly wish I was there for that moment but seeing it live was enough to have me cheering like a little girl at like 4am 


@RedHood129 stop the spoilers, but it lived up the tagline 


@RedHood129 Absolutely insane. I literally am speechless.