
Happy Valentine's Day, Wattpad family! <3


I miss your books so much. They were amazing. Is there anywhere I can read them again? I miss them a lot. Some of the best works I’ve read on this app came from you. 


@JalenThomas6 Sorry for taking so long to get back to you, I haven't logged in in a while!  First off, thank you! I'm really flattered that you enjoyed my old work! <3 
            Unfortunately I took everything down because, as I've gotten older and gained more life experience, I've realized there was a lot of content in my old stuff that was pretty problematic, particularly in the "Light of Mine" series. It was a really difficult decision because I know a lot of people (like you) enjoyed them, and I went back and forth on it for a while, but at the end of the day I just didn't feel comfortable having content that I now know is toxic available for public viewing. 
            I'm still writing (mostly fanfiction on ao3, but some original stuff that isn't posted anywhere too), so it's possible one day I'll go back and give them a huge rewrite/overhaul in order to take out all the toxicity and make them pieces I can be proud of having posted, but even if that happens it probably won't be for a long time. I'm really sorry, I just think it's best for everyone if they're not available as is.


Every time I see that someone added March Madness or Light of Mine to their reading list I cringe because please don't I wrote those books in high school and they're bad.


@wideouts I can't believe I'm just seeing this now?? I'm sorry you're going through that :( I know the feeling. Do you have anxiety? Because that sounds a lot like an anxious episode. For me at least they can last a couple weeks sometimes 


@shaolinsupernova I totally understand. I've been struggling with the next chapter of TMAK for a month now because every time I write something, I read it aloud to myself and I think, "What the heck did I just write?" and delete it all. 
            I don't think it's writer's block or anything....I'm not sure what it is. I've just been in a weird, uncomfortable mood lately.


@wideouts I know and I'm glad! :) I'm just really critical of my own writing when I read it back. Especially older stuff.


Living in a house full of Giants fans means not being able to make an observation about Cowboys/Packers playoff game without getting accused of being a Cowboy fan. *eye roll* 


@shaolinsupernova apparently a lot of people were really butthurt about the whole thing lol


I wasn't either! The Packers are good! But my mom was totally upset too. 


@shaolinsupernova hahaha. my husband is a Giants fan, he was so upset they lost to the Packers. I personally wasn't surprised.