
Hey lovely readers, I am going to delete this account because of some facebook problems which are messing with many of my profiles on the web, really annoying(!), so I'm starting a new profil, the link is down below. I really Hope you'll still follow me there :)
          	Thank you! <3


Hi there good people.
          I posted a new story called "the Other Woman" a kind of bad title, but last weekend me and my family watched "The Man with the Golden Gun" and there is a scene where one of the women comes in and Goodnight is hiding under the sheets, and I thought up this idea of the awkwardness there would appear. Please take a couple of minutes just to read it and subscribe what you think of it :D Thanks!
 #Bonus# I pretty much thought the other woman, Rosie's character was inspired by River Song/Melody Pond in her pretty black dress in season 5 of Doctor Who :)