
Every once and awhile I check my fics for comments/the folders you add my stuff too.  You guys make me laugh sometimes. I’ve been very strangely active here this last two days, I suppose it’s been long enough to get a lot of nostalgia from the show. I even did a remastered chapter of “show you,” from “A week too long.” Gosh I’m not sure how you guys read some of my stuff sometimes! It was not always what I call … good. 
          	Middle school me put my soul into writing them so ig I’ll give little me some slack. I certainly tried my best. I had just graduated 8th grade when I finished editing Klance;AWTL. Two weeks ago I graduated highschool and it’s been floating around in the back of my head how I got started in my writing ‘career.’
          	I have written countless scripts, comedy skits and plays that have been performed on stage/filmed now. To think that this was the jumping off point for all of that is cute.
          	I don’t know if any of my wattpad followers are active but thank you for your support when I was just a kid. If it was following, voting, it commenting- it meant the world to 14 year old me. 
          	To any of my younger followers that want to start writing as a hobby, do it! It might completely change your life. Or if it doesn’t you can look back and read some of your “cringe” writing that you can joke about with friends. You have to start somewhere. (I swear it’s not cringe if you can appreciate what you learned from it)
          	Thx for reading my rant.
          	xoxo Teddy


@BoiiRaccoonii That's so sweet! Thank you :) I always love a good rant.


@MaiBigTeddyBear Wish I'd had a folder for my old stories, even though they were cringy af, It would've been nice to look back on them, still is nice to look back on the ones I still have. I can't believe that in the past I could hardly spell anything, I've seriously come so far, thanks to writing and everything else in my life. Can't say I'm proud of the cringe writing, but hey. It helped me get here, I don't use or go on wattpad hardly anymore, but this site was the very beginning of everything, and I'm grateful for it no matter the insanely cringy stories on here lol. It was nice to find those diamond in the rough stories on here though, I can definitely say yours were among those. At least to me, younger and still even now they're decent especially among the amount of stories that I could and still can hardly read because of the cringe. Not to bash anyone's writing, the point of writing is to have fun, so as long as you're doing that. Who cares if it's cringe...Unless you want to be a writer as a, anyway. Sorry for going off on a rant, your rant made me wanna rant heh.  Whether you read this or not, hope you're doing well, and keep doing you!  Have a lovely week C: And thanks for the fun cringy stories!


Every once and awhile I check my fics for comments/the folders you add my stuff too.  You guys make me laugh sometimes. I’ve been very strangely active here this last two days, I suppose it’s been long enough to get a lot of nostalgia from the show. I even did a remastered chapter of “show you,” from “A week too long.” Gosh I’m not sure how you guys read some of my stuff sometimes! It was not always what I call … good. 
          Middle school me put my soul into writing them so ig I’ll give little me some slack. I certainly tried my best. I had just graduated 8th grade when I finished editing Klance;AWTL. Two weeks ago I graduated highschool and it’s been floating around in the back of my head how I got started in my writing ‘career.’
          I have written countless scripts, comedy skits and plays that have been performed on stage/filmed now. To think that this was the jumping off point for all of that is cute.
          I don’t know if any of my wattpad followers are active but thank you for your support when I was just a kid. If it was following, voting, it commenting- it meant the world to 14 year old me. 
          To any of my younger followers that want to start writing as a hobby, do it! It might completely change your life. Or if it doesn’t you can look back and read some of your “cringe” writing that you can joke about with friends. You have to start somewhere. (I swear it’s not cringe if you can appreciate what you learned from it)
          Thx for reading my rant.
          xoxo Teddy


@BoiiRaccoonii That's so sweet! Thank you :) I always love a good rant.


@MaiBigTeddyBear Wish I'd had a folder for my old stories, even though they were cringy af, It would've been nice to look back on them, still is nice to look back on the ones I still have. I can't believe that in the past I could hardly spell anything, I've seriously come so far, thanks to writing and everything else in my life. Can't say I'm proud of the cringe writing, but hey. It helped me get here, I don't use or go on wattpad hardly anymore, but this site was the very beginning of everything, and I'm grateful for it no matter the insanely cringy stories on here lol. It was nice to find those diamond in the rough stories on here though, I can definitely say yours were among those. At least to me, younger and still even now they're decent especially among the amount of stories that I could and still can hardly read because of the cringe. Not to bash anyone's writing, the point of writing is to have fun, so as long as you're doing that. Who cares if it's cringe...Unless you want to be a writer as a, anyway. Sorry for going off on a rant, your rant made me wanna rant heh.  Whether you read this or not, hope you're doing well, and keep doing you!  Have a lovely week C: And thanks for the fun cringy stories!


Hey guys! I have noticed a huge boost in reading since Corona has started. I love all the comments you leave behind and they bring warmth to my heart. Stay safe guys! I never finished my re-edit of Klance; A Week too long on AO3 so I'll finish that since I am SO bored, so if you feel like rereading on my AO3 you can! It might have some new content, depends. Any Requests? I hope you guys are having a lovely day.


@MaiBigTeddyBear Are you gonna update you 'Klance:Action!', 'cause that book is really awesome. I really really really wanna know what happens next...


I luv ur fanficcccsss, do u have insta??


@TeddyHsu its ok, you should


@ashharward03 Oh my gosh, I am so late to this comment! I don't have a writing instagram yet but I'm thinking of setting something up this summer when I can write more freely and post consistently