
American Girl heads West into Missouri!! 
          	On the run from her Ohio orphanage, Flick Masters finds herself in St. Joseph, Missouri, where her brother Jas takes a job delivering the mail. 


Good Morning, Happy Writers! I make a habit of writing something every day. The more you write, the better you become. Practice makes perfect, so practice, practice, practice.


@ahkaswrites I think it takes more focus to keep a story short. You have to bring your story to a conclusion rather quickly. Short stories are more confined, and you pack a lot of information into a small space. I look at my short stories and wonder how I can expand them. I've rewritten a couple of them into novellas. 


@LeaSheryn I've thought about writing short stories when I'm burnt out for my other books, but the "short" story never stays short. The idea does start out as a small scale event which my characters must navigate through but when I sit down to put my ideas to paper, it doesn't take long for it to span out into a novel. I struggle with keeping my ideas short and nice for a novella. 


Greetings from Team Nightstruck! We are a new thriving community that aims to make your reading and writing experience more thrilling than it already is! Our goal is to help you all reach great heights as you come with us in this journey of literature and growth. We would love to have you join us on this literary journey! Please check out our book club so you can take part in the opportunities we have to offer as well as meeting an uplifting community of friends!


Good Morning, Happy Writers! 
          The fun thing about writing American Girl is you can read it randomly. Each chapter is a different state; the states are chosen in the order they joined the union. However, they are all standalone short stories, and you don't have to read all of them.


@Creativemind703 I'm so glad you like them. I'm having fun writing them, buddy!


@LeaSheryn I'm enjoying your state chapters, babe!!!!! ❤️


Good Morning, Happy Writers. How do you challenge yourself as a writer? Do you stay within your boundaries or do you explore different genres?


@ahkaswrites What an achievement. You should feel like that was a win. You can really do anything as long as you want to. Keep up the good work.


@LeaSheryn I've trying to explore different genres but I'm probably not ready yet. I don't usually challenge myself all that much except this time during ONC when I completed 8k words within 4 days. That was such a win. I've never done something like that before so this was definitely a huge ego boost for me. Made me realize that if I want something, I'm very capable of achieving it