
Hey guys,
          	Nice to see you all. If anyone sees my post, I want to tell you all that please take extra care of you and your family. When we actually thought the storm had passed, we were wrong. That was just the start, a new virus names INFLUENZA A VIRUS H5N1 is on the roam and it is declared by most clinical scientist that is a global threat.
          	Please take care and I hope this too shall pass without hurting everyone. 
          	This time AWARENESS & MEASURES need to SPREAD before the VIRUS!!!!!


Your so sweet thank you ❤️✨


@btsarmyarnavi okay baby. I will upload the chap soon. I was busy writing the other one. Thanks for the reminder, love. <3


@Laurawillington oh I'm talking about be mine the jimin ff


Hey guys,
          Nice to see you all. If anyone sees my post, I want to tell you all that please take extra care of you and your family. When we actually thought the storm had passed, we were wrong. That was just the start, a new virus names INFLUENZA A VIRUS H5N1 is on the roam and it is declared by most clinical scientist that is a global threat.
          Please take care and I hope this too shall pass without hurting everyone. 
          This time AWARENESS & MEASURES need to SPREAD before the VIRUS!!!!!


Your so sweet thank you ❤️✨


@btsarmyarnavi okay baby. I will upload the chap soon. I was busy writing the other one. Thanks for the reminder, love. <3


@Laurawillington oh I'm talking about be mine the jimin ff


Have you ever thought about joining other platforms like ao3, Tumblr or patreon!! It would help you to boost your fics <3


@taesthetic_13 Haven't thought that far. Because I am not sure how better is my book to standout even a little bit from other ones. I mean there so many other fanfictions that great and have even scored well here. Also Fanfictions mostly involves romance, I am not so great in romance. I think i would be the only fanfiction writer to sideline romance ^_^".  Thanks for asking though


Hey guys,
          I know it has been a month now since the last upload. I didn't abandon the book. Honestly, I was busy reading books so that I could refer as well as improve my plotline and writing. I see a big difference since my last chapter compared with the 1st one. The chap will be up soon.


@Laurawillington Hi dear author! thanks...I'm glad that you are healthy, take care


Hi dear!!! Laura I am big of your stories. They are amazing. And you are my role model in Wattpad stories. I am writing stories in Waitrose will you help me?????? Thank you.......


@Khushbakhthussain Hi. Nice to meet you. Of course I can help you. Just Dm me anytime.


Are you fine?I mean..You health is okay?Its worrying your readers since its been almost an year...Please come back,we will wait for you...And please do take care of yourself...Love ya!


@123Youchi  Hi, I am really sorry. I was busy with my life and arranging my mental health too.