
i’m gonna haunt you in the form of a chromebook. in exactly three days you will get a package in the mail that’s wrapped shut in blue tape. immediately take this package home and stuff it under you bed. DO NOT SLEEP ON THE SAME BED THE PACKAGE US UNDER. wait three days before removing the package from underneath your bed. carefully unwrap the the tape using a yellow number 2 pencil. IT MUST BE YELLOW. once you open the package, wait five seconds before pulling out the styrofoam. you will see a brand new chromebook package sitting inside of the box. you must first do the sacred chants of the islands of Fiji four times before the winter solstice, then turn three times before facing the west. you will see the Chromebook slowly arise from behind you and


@KOTTAROLLDEEZNUTZ hubble bubble bubble gum
            *has a seizure on the floor and starts speaking reverse Hindi*


@VikingMetalToby everything you just said was meaningless because it's impossible for me to even get mail


Have any luck Bitch-Pulling?


unfortunately no bro, it's hard pulling bitches in America 