
FINAL CHAPTER POSTED! Thank you all for following along. I hope you enjoy the last few chapters. As always, please show some love and let me know what you think.
          	I'm already working on a spin-off book with a more minor character (the story was one I was already cooking up that I managed to fit into this story) so you might see some of the Weathered Love characters pop up in this new story.
          	To be fair to all of you though, I don't plan to start publishing the new story until it's almost complete so you're not literally waiting for years for a new chapter.
          	Much love to all of you!


FINAL CHAPTER POSTED! Thank you all for following along. I hope you enjoy the last few chapters. As always, please show some love and let me know what you think.
          I'm already working on a spin-off book with a more minor character (the story was one I was already cooking up that I managed to fit into this story) so you might see some of the Weathered Love characters pop up in this new story.
          To be fair to all of you though, I don't plan to start publishing the new story until it's almost complete so you're not literally waiting for years for a new chapter.
          Much love to all of you!


Another chapter posted. And only one more chapter left! Ahh! I'll miss this story and the characters (and your comments!) but I'm glad to have finally finished. It's hard for me to finish stories, because I don't like endings, but I hope this story's ending is enjoyable for all of you!
          Thank you for all your support my Loves!


Hello Loves!
          Finally posted another chapter. Please go check out Andrew V! I also have a few more chapters finished up that I'm just reviewing and editing. I can confidently say, after this chapter, there are only three more to go.
          I'm sad to part with the story, but I hope you've enjoyed this journey with me! If there's ever another story, I hope to be a lot better about regular updates. In the meantime, enjoy this new addition! I'll keep posting as I finish editing so that you're not all left waiting for years again.


Hello Loves!
          I hope you're all doing well and enjoying Hanukkah, looking forward to Christmas and Kwanzaa, and just enjoying this festive season if you don't celebrate anything.
          I posted another part. I've had it drafted for a year now, and wanted to post it when I finished the story, but I figured since I have it, I'd might as well post it for now and try to finish the story simultaneously. New parenthood leaves me with very little writing time.
          Anyway, I just wanted to check in with all of you, give you another chapter, and give you all well wishes!
          Jaye <3


Hello Loves!
          Unfortunately, I fell far short of my goal of finishing before baby came. She arrived early October (like her mama, she procrastinated) and she's been such an adorable blessing! But it also meant I had zero time to work on anything. This is the first time I've been on my personal laptop for something that isn't chore-related.
          I'll try to post the next chapter soon, and I've decided to finish it up in four or five more chapters. That being said, I've noticed that it's been a little over a year since my last update, and I'm horrified I've left the story paused for so long, so I'll do my best to get the remainder of the story put up (pending approval from my new little boss).
          Love you all, love your continued support, and I appreciate the wonderful love you continue to give me.
          Jaye <3


Hello Loves!
          To add to the millions of announcements I'm sure you avid readers see on a daily basis, I wanted to check in and let you know what's been going on with me. I'll try to keep this brief.
          So, I haven't been posting for one big reason: my husband and I are expecting our first child in September! This pregnancy has been such a blessing, but it's quite draining (and I'm not an energetic person to begin with) so finding energy to write has been a chore (I have finished another chapter but I'm not happy with it and am trying to make it better because you all deserve better).
          Also, planning for baby, house hunting (the never-ending struggle it seems), on top of taking on more chores because hubby got a new and more demanding job has made it so I barely even look at my personal laptop anymore (and it's such a beautiful laptop too).
          I hope you're all doing well. I miss all of you, your quirky comments, and the smile you guys put on my face whenever I get a glimpse into your POVs on my work. I'm sorry I've been so MIA. I want to finish "Weathered Love" before baby comes (God knows I'll have even less time and energy when that happens) so please send prayers, good thoughts, positive vibes, and all other well wishes and blessings my way so I can finish this work strong and give you guys what (I hope) you've been patiently waiting for!
          Much Love,


Hello Loves!
          As promised, after a really long hiatus, I've posted a new part in Weathered Love called EVERYDAY. I hope you all enjoy! Please show some love by voting, commenting, and sharing. Thanks to everyone who's been sharing in this journey with me! <3


@A_M_Giovanni Thanks! I've been so bad at updating lately, but it's nice to know that there are still people reading and patiently waiting for the new updates <3


Gah, I need to catch up!!! Congrats on the next chapter ❤️


Hello All!
          I hope you've been enjoying your winters (as well as can be enjoyed during this pandemic). I just wanted to say Happy New Year to everyone! I'm suffering severe writer's block, and I want to update (I'm so close to the end!) but I want to be sure I give you all my best work.
          To motivate me to really sit down and get something posted, I've decided to set a deadline for myself. So, I'll be posting a new part of Weathered Love no later than January 14, 2021.
          Thanks for all your patience Loves, and see you all in the new year!
          Much Love,


Hey everyone!
          I've been so horrible at updating. I blame it on all the moving I've been doing (and still am doing) and the many new responsibilities I've been taking on lately.
          I really want to update my story, especially since we're so close to the end (that's not considered a spoiler, is it?) but I want to also make sure I give you all good quality writing to close out the story.
          So, I'm just saying I appreciate all your patience. You all deserve better than this, so your continued support is much appreciated. I'll try to get something to you soon Loves.
          In the meantime, feel free to go back and re-read your favorite parts, leave a vote in places you might have missed a vote, and comments are always welcome!
          Miss you all Loves! <3