
I want to say I am deeply sorry for how cringe some of my actions were from 2019-2022
          	I just wasn't myself Ú-Ù


You know that saying "Your either a glass half full or a half empty kind of person!"
          I want to say "I'm just happy the glass has water :)"
          But I'm the "The water will be gone soon because I will drink it"
          Basically saying that if I don't expect anything good then I won't be surprised by the bad
          It's unhealthy, you don't have to tell because I'm very self aware :D


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You ever get the urge to just sleep and never wake up, I'm not like saying dieing and stuff but like staying in your dream world because it has dragons and shit or magic and you can fly when you jump high enough
          I'm delusional and that's ok :D


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When your boss asks what kind of music you like because he sees you listening to some while working and you have to lie and say upbeat stuff because you can't just tell him you either listen to the most sluttiest, throw it back stuff or the most depressing shit ever
          If any of my playlists get leaked to anyone I know, please note that I will die from shear embarrassment or because my mom will kill me for the things I listen to religiously


If you have Peacock (a streaming service where you can watch movies and such) and you like watching horror-romance movies that have a bit of comedy in them, then I suggest watching Lisa Frankenstein
          I think it's a Peacock original, so you can't watch it anywhere else, but it's a good movie
          It's about a misunderstood teen who lives with her dad, step-mom and step-sister, she is an introvert because of something in the past (I won't spoil), so she frequently visits this graveyard in the woods and cleans up the gravestones
          One night, a huge storm came and lighting struck her favorite grave and awoke the dead guy in it, so then he went to her house. To make this short, they end up killing people to replace parts of his body that were missing
          I won't say anymore, you just have to watch it :D


@CeCeanimations I love horror-romance movies, it was I had seen in a while and it did not disappoint <3


            I watched that recently! I actually loved it! 


Does anyone else know who Bo Burham is? If not I highly recommend you listen to his music and to try starting with "Hell of a ride"
          I'm positive that if you don't like that song, you might not like his music


@CeCeanimations ikr, one of my top fav artists


His songs are amazing-


When you're raised to belive any cooked meat that has pink in the middle means it's not cooked and you shouldn't eat it so you eat well done steak and hamburgers and then your mom has the audacity to say you hate any kind of pink meat and you won't eat pink meat because you're picky