
@aryas1988 yes don’t worry Avona is going to be expanded on a lot more then just clone wars you have My word more Avona will be coming soon.
          	I’m glad your enjoying the story 


Can you please make more chapters, seasons and episodes stories of Star Wars TV Shows Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories and Star Wars Movies Episodes Titles Combo Set Series Chapters,  and Episodes Stories for Star wars the Clone wars: Avona the Master General


Avona and Carmiya sisters face to face galataic of Republic at first queen later become senator  of Naboo padme amidala ask question why do remain loyal to after betrayal turn their back on your home planet Naboo blockade later full blown invasion droid army from Nute Gunray leadership of Trade Federation aftermath citizens for The Naboo Security Forces, led by Captain Panaka, and sought help from the Gungan leader Boss Nass in the underwater city of Otoh Gunga grand army and Jedi ambassadors Qui-Gon Jinn dies fatally wounded in a lightsaber duel by the Sith Lord Darth Maul and Obi-Wan Kenobi become Jedi Knight of Anakin Skywalker become jedi padawan learner before start clone wars also secretly traveled to the planet's surface with the invasion force got galataic of Republic queen of Naboo padme amidala what had galactic of republic ever helped free your blockade of Naboo later full invasion it could be prevented Nute Gunray leadership of Trade Federation, Wat Tambor leadership of Techno Union was not invited galactic of republic galactic senate chamber is corruption corrupt for example galactic of republican galactic senators accept galata of republic senator corruption accept bribing payment behind closed doors later turn entire Jedi Oder lap dogs or attack dogs of Galactic of Republic senate chamber before start clone wars galactic of republic against Confederacy of Independent Systems want break away from galactic of republic galactic senate chamber is corruption corrupt for example galactic of republican galactic senators accept galata of republic senator corruption accept bribing payment behind closed doors for Star wars the Clone wars: Avona the Master General


These are all awesome ideas and I’ll do my best to make them a reality as best I can in Avona thank you so much 


Avona and Carmiya sisters discovered real meaning clone wars both Sith Lords leaders Confederacy of Independent Systems Government Citizens and Military Forces Personnel and Galactic Of Republic Government Citizens and Military Forces Personnel played both sides Clone Wars personal gain clone troopers example name Avona and Carmiya sisters decided follow curious and suspicious why fives discover through fellow clone trooper name tup murdered killed Jedi Master activated by accident during mission battle is cancel total of Grand Army of the Republic is comprised through Inhibitor chips follow order 66 kill their Jedi Generals and Jedi Padawan Learner rank commander from Commander-in-Chief chancellor Sheev Palpatine Galactic Of Republic transform Galactic Of Empire after close ending clone wars, when Jedi Oder Council Members find out through Anakin Skywalker double agent spy galactic of Republic palpatine know as a sith lord darth sidious in close ending clone wars of Star Wars TV Shows Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories and Star Wars Movies Episodes Titles Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories for Star wars the Clone wars: Avona the Master General


My friends I wish to take time to announce that I have lost motivation to write Zeya it will either remain dormant or I may scrap it sorry to all of you who have enjoyed I’m just trying to balance it with Avona and Monica
          So I may delete it and rise of the fatherland but again I’m not certain if I will 


Allow me to share some inspiration for you all today.
          Stories of the convey some of the greatest messages for peace and compassion and loyalty.
          Fanfictions may not be the most original story but what matters is the dedication you put into them and show the readers that your characters can do great things and in turn we can inspire others to achieve great things.
          Many stories may not do well but if we nourish it and believe in it ourselves the stories we make could very well be what makes someone’s day special and happy. 
          Gratitude is shown in small ways but remember no story is truly hopeless to make cause all have a message within them that can help make someone very happy.


I just wanted to say a big thank you message today. As well as revel a little bit about why I choose to become a fanfic writer.
          I wanted to write fanfics to expand my creative tendencies and i mostly just wanted to have fun with it. I never expected that I would have 29 followers and a story which recently hit 5’000 reads I truly thank you all for inspiring me to continue but if I may be honest my true motivation to keep writing is my passion for the stories I’ve made. 
          For all of you who have made fanfics i know that some stories may not do as good as others but don’t let views be your reasoning for writing. Always remember the big picture and remember that in time all stories will reach a new height and you will be proud of the master piece you have made.
          Thank you all and I hope you all continue to enjoy the stories that I post thanks so much for everything your all awesome and I hope you all are having a fantastic time here on Wattpad and in real life.