
Almost finished with the rewrite of Goku and the Olympians Chapter 6. That should be posted either tomorrow or Friday. 
          	I’ll work on the Chapter 7 rewrite shortly after that. 


@MattSaayman Well, happy early birthday! I’ll try to get Chapter 6’s rewrite posted by today or tomorrow then. 


@MattSaayman Is it your birthday? 


Hey doodle boy quick question for dragon ball x, I was wondering,would frieza be a mutant and piccolo or naaaa ? Because I remember somewhere that Akira said that frieza was sort of a mutant in his whole race because of his huge power level ?


Frieza and King Piccolo will both be Mutants in Dragon Ball X. Mainly because Piccolo’s followers are called Mutant Namekians in Dragon Ball.
            Btw sorry about the delay on Chapter 4. I did start writing it, so I’ll try to get it done soon. 


Almost finished with the rewrite of Goku and the Olympians Chapter 6. That should be posted either tomorrow or Friday. 
          I’ll work on the Chapter 7 rewrite shortly after that. 


@MattSaayman Well, happy early birthday! I’ll try to get Chapter 6’s rewrite posted by today or tomorrow then. 


@MattSaayman Is it your birthday? 


Hey, everyone! I just got back from a four-day vacation with my friends to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It was really fun and I got to learn a lot more about that area's history (while also watching some bad, yet entertaining movies in between, lol). 
          While there, I managed to check out a cool game shop, which sold some manga, comics, and video games. I picked up the first volume of the Sailor Moon manga and the first volume of its predecessor, Codename: Sailor V, since I just finished watching the 90s Sailor Moon anime a few weeks ago. Something might come out of my new love for the Sailor Moon franchise in terms of writing, but no promises. 
          Now that I'm back home, I'll be working on finishing the Goku and the Olympians rewrites before anything else. The Chapter 6 rewrite is almost finished, so that should be posted soon. I'll let you know when I post it. 
          I'll also be writing more of my original story, Spell Casters, once those rewrites are done. Chapter 7 is already in progress and I have a general idea of what the next few chapters will be about. 
          Hope you guys look forward to these new updates. Take care and if you have any questions, feel free to ask!


I published the link of my X post which is about the titles dragon ball crossover i made


@PamelaNez8 The link on that page doesn’t work.


@mahboi21 Yeah. Android 21 will be in 4 of my stories:
            Wakfu GT
            The Saiyan of Luna Nova 
            The Lyoko Z-Warrior 
            Dragon Ball X 
            She won’t be featured in any of my other crossovers. 


Yo dude, have you seen the latest XV2 dlc? There was a moment where Fu stated that he wanted to chat with Bulma about her time machine. This got me thinking like, what would an interaction between Bulma (or maybe even Fu) and Daedalus be like? Would they just like, nerd out about their various inventions, or would they have like, some sort of rivalry? Just something I randomly thought of 


Hi, everyone. Apologies for not writing anything since April. I’ve been busy going through job interviews and applications these past few weeks, so I wanted to focus on that for a while. I’ve also been reading a bit more manga and comics, which helps serve as additional research for my work. 
          Since my 24th birthday will be tomorrow (May 8th to be exact), I’ll be planning to work on more of my stories as soon as I’m able to. 
          Some things I’ll be planning to work on are the rewrites for Goku and the Olympians Chapters 6-10 (with some minor edits to 11, 12, and 13 too if I have time), Dragon Ball X Chapter 4 and/or 5 (due to me watching a lot of X-Men 97 and reading some classic X-Men issues), Kung Fu Lucario Chapters 9-10, Hero for the Hero of Time Chapter 2, etc. Not sure what I’ll work on first, but I’ll let you guys know once a new chapter is finished. 
          Anyways, just thought I’d leave this quick update to let you know how I’ve been doing. Hope all of you have been doing well and look forward to my next updates. :) 
          P.S. It’s a shame that Wattpad decided to remove their Private Messaging feature. If you have a question to ask about my stories, just leave it here or in the comment section for one of my stories. I’ll try to respond when I can. 


@Doodleboy565 take your time for masterpieces we can wait


It’s not problem go at your own pace, quality over quantity ^^