
Two years ago to this day, Johnny Depp got justice that he deserved! 


Hello, my fellow readers! For the time being, I’m gonna be focusing on writing my Star Wars book “Joining Force” after a long period of not writing it through the years and I am now feeling motivated to writing it and completing it sometime during the summer. Once in a while, I’ll try to upload a story for my JD Book. Thank you all so much for your corporation and patience! ;)


Hey I hope you're okay with me asking this question. I was just wondering did someone made a request that imagines Y/N comforting Edward scissorhands because if someone did I really want to read that imagination.


@AdriannaJefferson6 Yes they did back in 2022. It was about the reader comforting Edward during a thunderstorm. I technically want to get the requests in exact order out of respect for those who’ve been possibly waiting a long time for their request to be published. 


Hey I don't know if your requests are still closed but I have one but I'm not sure if you'll like it or not but I want to imagine that Y/N was sick and Barnabas Collins takes care of Y/N. Is this alright with you?


@AdriannaJefferson6 Technically my requests are closed but I can put your request on my list of 80+ requests. Also I do have a request that’s the same as yours. If you want to a different plot with the same character, you can do that. 