
sorry guys. im taking a short break. some jackass assaulted me at work today and he grabbed hold of my hand and my wrist is kinda messed up now. dont know if he sprained it or just twistted it. i can only type with one hand atm. i want a bit of peace after what happened today.


Hello Author Aubrey,
          I hope you are doing well. I am Lexi, an AE with the company Letterlux. I was recently reading your book [The Replacement Girlfriend] and found that it was a perfect fit for our platform. However, I understand it is signed with other platforms, so I want to extend the offer to any of your books, old or new -- for an exclusive contract. We need five thousand words and a detailed outline to apply for an exclusive contract, and we would love to work with you. First, I would like to introduce Letterlux.
          Letterlux is an online writing platform for English writers across the globe, which helps them publish and promote their books on multiple online writing platforms, such as Novellair, Literie, Lereader, Easynovel, etc. We provide financial rewards, growth opportunities, and assistance in building a reader base.
          You can check the official website of Letterlux here: and also check the writer's benefits here: in detail.
          Here are the benefits at a glance.
          Exclusive Contract —
          Signing Bonus: $100 for 30k words. 
          Daily Update Bonus: $200 per month, per 50k words. Four leaves allowed.
          Completion Bonus:
          — 80k to 120k words: $200
          — 120k to 150k words: $300
          — 150k to 200k words: $400
          — 200k+ words: $450
          Non-exclusive Contract —
          Signing Bonus: $50 for 30k words. 
          Completion Bonus:
          — 80k to 120k words: $100
          — 120k to 150k words: $150
          — 150k to 200k words: $200
          — 200k+ words: $250
          If any of this catches your eye, please feel free to message me or email me at


Hi Aubrey, it's almost 2024  and your writings still had this magic on me , i  hope u are doing well.i really really hope you were just lost interested in here or having this writer blocked for almost 10 years but not something bad happened to you..