
I know I've been absent for a really long time, but expect to see some story updates for incomplete stories. I want YOU the reader to let me know what should focus my energy on as far as updates go. Top 3 picked stories I will try to complete in a months time if possible.
          	Tying up loose ends before I add more stories from my AO3 account to here.


Foxy Grandpa!! It is my favorite story I have read on this platform and I’ve been dying for some more chapters!!!


I know I've been absent for a really long time, but expect to see some story updates for incomplete stories. I want YOU the reader to let me know what should focus my energy on as far as updates go. Top 3 picked stories I will try to complete in a months time if possible.
          Tying up loose ends before I add more stories from my AO3 account to here.


Foxy Grandpa!! It is my favorite story I have read on this platform and I’ve been dying for some more chapters!!!


Hi, I want to ask when the Alana Stark story will be continued. I really love her story. But me miss her when she was with Tywin .
          And I'm also a little confused why Alana told Jorah that Tywin is alive ? Please tell me that Tywin didn't die and will still be in the story


@kajuka6 Hello sorry for the late reply. She told him Tywin is alive because of Tyanna, his daughter. She will live on in his name, and the things Tywin taught Alanna will live on as well. Tywin also still haunts Alanna's mind, making him seem real as he creeps in every now and again refusing to die and let her go.
            I have two more books in the works for this series maybe three, one being an AU story that I'm currently working on called Silver and Gold which can be found on my page.


I actually suck at updating I know. But I just want everyone to be well aware that none of my story stay unfinished. I'm just focused on my YouTube channels right now and not so much my current stories. I will however start working again on a few stories that are close to being done anyway and just go ahead and complete them. Hopefully you're not all too mad at me for things.


I hope things are going well with your YouTube channels! I am excited to see where you take your Foxy grandpa story! It’s my favorite R&M fan fiction!! ❤️


@ ArtsyDoodleBug  What's your youtube channel?


I am not mad i know things happen in life☺️


Will you be updating Sick of Being Used? I totally binge read all 3 books over Christmas and I'm totally addicted. Would love to hear its not been abandoned :)


@MommaNat93 I don't check these messages often, but I can tell you that it is not abandoned!! I will probably be finishing it up sometime this year so the people can have closure. Thank you for being so dedicated when it comes to my stories❤