
Chapter 26 of Running in Glass Slippers is up now. Take a look!


Readers and writers, what is your overall preference as far as point of view and tense go for novels? I know that it all depends on what is trying to be accomplished by the writer, and every story is different, but, overall, what do you usually prefer? Why?
          Just needing to hear some outside thoughts as I make some decisions on a couple projects.


@Ali_Carolyne Most of my work isn't on Wattpad (21 are but two of those are the first chapters only of two of my novels). However, I do now have a couple of volumes of short stories out in paperback and eBook. You can find them here if you are inclined to take a look:


@dvdvnr I've found that recently I tend to lean into third person as well. Sometimes, as I go along, I feel like I can't be as personal with the character as I need to be in that POV. I'm beginning to feel as though third person is creating a disconnect, and, even though it's quite the overhaul, I'm considering switching to first. Maybe I'm just being influenced by what's popular right now as well!
            Thank you for your feedback! I appreciate you taking the time to go through your repertoire and determine what you have used. You obviously have quite the extensive catalogue. I will have to take a look at more of your work!


@AnitaValle Thank you so much for the feedback! I have noticed that first person has become the more go-to as far as point of view. I've never thought about third person feeling more formal, but I can absolutely see that.


I cannot believe that Running in Glass Slippers is at nearly 600 views! Thank you all so much for taking the time to read my work. While joy should and does come from the writing and creating itself, it makes it extra worthwhile to see that others are enjoying the product as well. I honestly never imagined that I would get that much engagement on a first draft of my little novel. Here's hoping that you keep on enjoying it. The next chapter should be up soon, so keep an eye on your notifications!


"She prepares herself for the surprise to wear off and the anger to return, but Peter just stares at them and whispers, “What have you done?”
          That’s when Luna realizes that he is actually looking past her. She turns to look at Galley, confused as to what Peter might be referring to, and she feels the blood drain from her face when she sees what Peter does."
          Chapter 23 of Running In Glass Slippers, The Pieces Fall into Place, is up now! Details of the mystery and the adventure are coming together. With this chapter you get a little background on a character that you may be wary of.


"She shakes her head. This is silly. He's just a fairy tale character. She should be able to hand him the slipper, tell him what he needs to know, and leave. It should be that simple.
          So why is her heart pounding so hard that it feels as though it could beat out of her chest? Why does her stomach feel like it gains a butterfly every step closer she is to him? And why does the thought of never seeing him again fill her with such sadness?"
          Chapter 22 of Running in Glass Slippers, Not the Right Happily Ever After is live! Don't forget to comment and let me know what you think of the story so far, and vote, if you would like. We are one step closer to the end!