
“ anyone else struggling to post messages? ”
          	      » Sammy 


“ well never mind, it looks like they’re good now! ”
          	        » Sammy 


“ we suggest reading this for others who were suddenly locked out of their account like we were. starting from the last four chapters. as the book says, don’t panic and please reset your passwords to protect your information. ”
                » The Rose 


[ @Sirrep start reading from chapter 24 until the end, I think it’s the last 6 chapters that explain everything!] 


“ thank you so much for 50 followers. we ROSE you! ” 
                » Woosung 
          “ this is incredible, we can’t thank you all enough! ”
                » Dojoon
          “ we ROSE you all so very much. you are the absolute best! ”
                » Hajoon
          “ woo! thank you, black rose! we really got to 50! ”
                » Jaehyeong 


" Happy one month, sweet Hajoon! "


noelia giggled softly and nodded, holding onto his hands tightly. " i'm always free for you, sweetie. "


he smiled widely and gently took hold her hands. “ happy one month, my beautiful noie. are you free to go on a special date tonight? ”
                  » Hajoon 


" When I left home that day to get a quick coffee before going to my concert, I didn't think I'd stumble upon such a great guy. Honestly? At first I thought you wouldn't even want to talk to me, I was so nervous to go up to you and ask for that autograph on my 'Winter' sheetmusic. It took me a lot of courage and I'm so glad I did, because it really did change my life for the better. You really are the definition of perfect and I love you so much, it's unreal. And this all just confirms the feeling I got when we first talked; 'This man is my soulmate. I found him.' And that gutfeeling was so right. You make me so intensely happy and I'm so happy that I get to call you my *fiancee*. Happy one year anniversary, Woosung, and I hope many, many more. I love you. "
          - Your Loredana


"Ah, yes! Oh my goodness, I hope one of the baristas still works there.. I came back the next day and he was like 'I feel a connection', and look how right he was!" Yes, we're definitely going to get a coffee there."


“My sweet Dana, I say we make one final trip on our way to the airport today. I could really use some coffee before the flight,” he suggested happily with his bright smile, looking down at the ring on her finger then back to her face again. “Just to visit the very place where we first met? What do you say, baby?”
                  » Woosung 