
Sorry for the huge lack of updates,Ive been preparing for school and imagine working on some new works,so ill have everything out soon


Ima take a minute out of the life I don't have XD and thank @Hemmotran for voting for my stories,for most of you who have not,check this beautiful person out because she's a wayyyyyy better writer than me,and take time out of the life you have,and read her amazing books,love you boo Xx


OMG THANKS SO IM MUCH IM IN TEARS!!!!❤️❤️❤️love you boo


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Its funny how someone can lie and think they can get away with it, WELL GUESS WHAT BOO,YOU FUCKING FAILED HA,so many little liars out there,sometimes,I think society needs some better damn people,or at least not some fake ass people Congratulations boo,you have accomplished being your fake self Alright,rant over,Sorry for disturbing your life,you may continue breathing