
time went by too quickly, and i feel the great need to apologize for my absence, if any of you even care at this point ahah. grad school, work, and general life has overtaken my priorities, and for that i am sorry. however, i have not forgotten my creative roots, hence this message! for those that still care, i am still writing, still planning and scheming (while listening to taylor swift of course). inspiration has struck, so keep an eye out for updates... i suppose this is also a reminder to myself how grateful i am after all these years that people are still willing to read my writing, and for that, thank you. a lot. xx


@ sleepdeprived  Ofc we care, we all love you. Hope you are going to finish sea of flames


time went by too quickly, and i feel the great need to apologize for my absence, if any of you even care at this point ahah. grad school, work, and general life has overtaken my priorities, and for that i am sorry. however, i have not forgotten my creative roots, hence this message! for those that still care, i am still writing, still planning and scheming (while listening to taylor swift of course). inspiration has struck, so keep an eye out for updates... i suppose this is also a reminder to myself how grateful i am after all these years that people are still willing to read my writing, and for that, thank you. a lot. xx


@ sleepdeprived  Ofc we care, we all love you. Hope you are going to finish sea of flames


hi it’s me  i have risen from the dead lmao. sorry for leaving you all hanging (if you’re still around). i’ve graduated college and things have been a tad hectic. hopefully i can continue to write fanfic and all that good stuff. xx


@sleepdeprived girl are you okay we haven't hear from you in a long time


thank you to everyone who has gotten sea of flames to 80k. i know i haven’t been as active recently but i promise i will be back soon, life has just gotten in the way atm haha. see you soon. xx


@sleepdeprived oh no it's okay take your time i just thought you wouldn't finish it thank you tho :]


@SpEnCeR_ReIdd_ no you're good! i definitely want to finish it i just haven't found the time but i think i actually might have time this weekend, but no promises haha. it's mostly just bc i'm in my senior of college


Heyy are you still continuing the book? Bc I literally love your book and im waiting so long im not trying to rush you or anything i just wanted to know if you’ll still finish the book <3


hey! I just started reading sea of flames and omg I love your writing!!! I was just wondering if you have much more planned for the story or if it’s nearing its conclusion? 


i have a lot planned i’ve just been so busy with other things atm but hopefully once everything is settled down i can continue writing! thank you for reading the story btw! xx


i can't believe infelicitous is so close to 1 million reads, it feels like i just wrote the first chapter... so grateful. xx


@-sincerelystyles thank you so much!! xx


@sleepdeprived so deserved!! proud of you, steph!! ♥️♥️♥️ 