
A Brief Farewell and a Promise to Return
          	Dear Corazones,
          	I hope this letter finds you well and thriving in all your endeavors. As we journey through life, we often encounter moments where we must pause, reflect, and realign our priorities. It is during one such moment that I find myself writing to you today.
          	After much contemplation, I have made the decision to take a temporary hiatus from my writing endeavors. Real-life demands and commitments require my full attention, and I believe it is essential for me to dedicate myself to these pursuits wholeheartedly.
          	However, I want to assure you that this is not really a farewell, but merely a "see you later." Writing is not just a passion for me; it is a part of who I am. Rest assured, I will return, reinvigorated and inspired, ready to share more stories, insights, and adventures with you.
          	In the meantime, though my written words may be on pause, our connection remains strong. You can always find me on Instagram @serenanno.gram, where I will continue to share snippets of my stories, thoughts, and musings. Let's stay connected, even if it's just through a double-tap or a quick comment. 
          	Lastly, don't forget to my last exciting news before! "Jeopardize," our beloved journey of Mi Corazon. While I am taking a serious step on my real life, I am currently work behind on mayor revision of "Jeopardize". Stay tuned for the new snippets and the upcoming print edition. (It is not officially be informed, I know). 
          	As I embark on this brief hiatus, I carry with me the fond memories of our shared literary journey and the anticipation of the adventures yet to come. Until we meet again, take care, stay inspired, and keep turning the pages.
          	In addition, I deeply sorry that I must unpublish some stories or parts.
          	With heartfelt gratitude and warm wishes,


A Brief Farewell and a Promise to Return
          Dear Corazones,
          I hope this letter finds you well and thriving in all your endeavors. As we journey through life, we often encounter moments where we must pause, reflect, and realign our priorities. It is during one such moment that I find myself writing to you today.
          After much contemplation, I have made the decision to take a temporary hiatus from my writing endeavors. Real-life demands and commitments require my full attention, and I believe it is essential for me to dedicate myself to these pursuits wholeheartedly.
          However, I want to assure you that this is not really a farewell, but merely a "see you later." Writing is not just a passion for me; it is a part of who I am. Rest assured, I will return, reinvigorated and inspired, ready to share more stories, insights, and adventures with you.
          In the meantime, though my written words may be on pause, our connection remains strong. You can always find me on Instagram @serenanno.gram, where I will continue to share snippets of my stories, thoughts, and musings. Let's stay connected, even if it's just through a double-tap or a quick comment. 
          Lastly, don't forget to my last exciting news before! "Jeopardize," our beloved journey of Mi Corazon. While I am taking a serious step on my real life, I am currently work behind on mayor revision of "Jeopardize". Stay tuned for the new snippets and the upcoming print edition. (It is not officially be informed, I know). 
          As I embark on this brief hiatus, I carry with me the fond memories of our shared literary journey and the anticipation of the adventures yet to come. Until we meet again, take care, stay inspired, and keep turning the pages.
          In addition, I deeply sorry that I must unpublish some stories or parts.
          With heartfelt gratitude and warm wishes,


Sore, Corazones! Bagian baru Escapism udah dipublish, ya. Happy reading!
          Sampai jumpa setelah hari raya xixixi.


@serenanno hehee, kan aku juga mau silaturahmi ke ayanggg TT


@Lynaabe kalo aku udah balik ke jakarta lmao


Hallo, Corazone! Aku punya sesuatu yang penting, nich.
          Pertama, aku mau mengumumkan kalau aku belum bisa melanjutkan Enthralled: Forge of Love. 
          Sebenarnya, draft cerita ini udah banyak, dan mereka mengantri untuk dipublikasikan, tapi aku punya kendala. Saat ini aku sedang merevisi dasar fondasi cerita ini, salah satunya silsilah keluarga, detail event penting di masa lalu, timeline, dan sebagainya. Setelah aku cek ulang (beruntungnya aku cek setelah kepikiran mau fokus untuk melihat lebih jauh cerita hidup Frena dan Salvaro), memang ada beberapa hal yang aneh dan blunder. Kalau dipaksa update, nanti ceritanya berantakan, dan kebetulan event-event di chapter depan ini sangat penting dan enggak boleh diremehkan. Ini revisi mayor, jadi sangat berpengaruh untuk cerita ke depannya.
          Untuk Escapism, nanti aku sempatkan update satu bagian lagi. 
          Jadi, karena Enthralled mau aku perbaiki secara besar-besaran, termasuk Escapism yang tergolong tidak ramah di bulan suci, aku memutuskan untuk libur selama Maret sampai hari raya nanti.
          Dengan begitu, aku mohon maaf, ya, karena aku sempat bilang ini-itu, tapi skejulnya berubah. Selain itu, karena sebentar lagi kita akan masuk bulan suci, aku juga mau meminta maaf barangkali aku punya banyak salah selama nongkrong di sini.
          Kalian tetap bisa ikuti progres, proses, spoiler, dan konten soal cerita-ceritaku di instagram @serenanno.gram. Aku masih aktif di sana.
          Hope you enjoy your day!


@serenanno mau bacanya pelan2 aja Anno, selagi kamu belum update part terbaru, Bunda bacanya entar itung2 buat nemenin sahur


@hayoomongapain b-bukan hari ini sih hehe, nanti diinfo lagi xixi.


@Lynaabe tenang, pusing minum bodrex 


malam, corazones!
          aku hanya menginfokan kalau aku belum bisa kasih update untuk hari ini dan besok. dari senin sore sampai sekarang, aku belum pulih dari sakitku. aku memilih untuk enggak update dulu minggu ini. sekali lagi mohon maaf, yaaa.
          kalian di sana jaga kesehatan selalu, ya!


@serenanno cepattt pulihhhhh annooo TT


Hallo, Corazones!
          Salam cinta dari mendiang Jung. 
          Aku datang hanya ingin bertanya sedikit hal soal Jeopardize. Aku mohon jawaban jujurnya, ya, xixi. Jawaban kalian berharga bgt buat aku.
          Bagaimana kalau Jeopardize dibuat dalam versi bisa dipeluk alias jadi buku?
          Apakah kalian masih ingin ikut journey-nya Jeopardize?  
          Yes or No. Aku juga mau dengar alasannya xixi.
          Ayo ketemu Jung lagi huhu.
          Thank you, Corazones.


@serenanno everytime, everything TT


@menkkiko gapapa bun, kalau jadi pun masih banyak waktu hehe.


@hayoomongapain aku belum tau apa-apa soal itu, ini baru sounding dulu huhu.