
*   did  not  mean  to  vanish  entirely  here  :')    cb  <33 


**  everywhere,,  but spam on kris!!


*   did  not  mean  to  vanish  entirely  here  :')    cb  <33 


**  everywhere,,  but spam on kris!!


can  you  just…  hold  me?


WHEN  YOU  GO,   @notafrcid- :
            yeah.    {  marcita  is  answering  before  she's  absorbed  kris'  request  in  full.   she  doesn't  know  what  it  is;  years  with  lila,   years  longing  to  be  a  sister  or  longing  to  be  a  friend  to  kris,   years  needing  to  be  held  herself.   hugs  were  things  marcita  never  sought  out  from  the  authority  figures  of  her  youth,   finding  comfort  in  curling  up  next  to  her  practical  twin  or  holding  herself  to  go  to  sleep.   she  can't  remember  the  last  time  she  had  it  elsewhere,   and  that  means  kris  has  found  it  nowhere.   perhaps  it's  this  information  that  makes  her  act  so  immediately,   arms  settling  around  her  sister  and  pulling  her  close.  }    of  course  i  can.    ( .. )    do  you  wanna  talk  about  it ?  


i  didn’t  know  the  photos  were  salvaged.  (  …  )  thank  you,  cici.


WHEN  YOU  GO,   @notafrcid- :
            i  made  sure  they  were.    {  the  emotion  behind  her  sister's  eyes  is  nearly  unbearable.   she  wishes  she'd  done  this  sooner,   that  she  had  the  strength  to  let  go  of  these  memories  that  aren't  really  hers  to  keep  hold  of,   but  it's  proven  impossible  all  the  way  to  this  moment.   even  now  one  photograph  still  sits  in  her  bedside  table,   the  face  of  her  little  (big?)  sister  unmarred  by  time  and  pain  for  one  blissful  moment.   }    a  few  years  after  mom  sent  you  away,   i  snuck  into  the  medical  files  and  took  everything  i  could  find.    ( .. )    i  wasn't  letting  her  erase  you,   kris.


you  came.


WHEN  YOU  GO,   @notafrcid- :
            you  called.    {  without  any  show  of  hesitation  marcita  steps  forward,   dropping  her  bag  to  the  ground  with  a  dull  thud.  }    i  decided  it  was  high  time  to  take  on  another  job,   figured  out  i  prefer  taking  them  on  with  my  sisters.    
            *    so  sorry ,,  i  immediately  thought  of  a  s4  reunion !! 


this message may be offensive
shit ! i coulda shot you with this arrow ! don't scare
          me like that .


WHEN  YOU  GO,   @rebelscomissions :
            i  could've  moved.   mom  would've  called  it  a  lesson  otherwise.    {  with  no  sign  of  flinching  marcita  steps  closer  to  the  brunette,   arms  folded  firmly  over  her  chest.  }    do  they  know  you're  practicing  now?   doesn't  matter  if  they  don't,   but  they'll  notice  a  missing  target.  


i ... didn't know lila had a sister .
          //; he knows lila from the asylum in s2 !!


yeah . guess i could say the same 'ere . 'm
            pretty private when it comes down to it .
            * he's quiet for a moment . revealing his name
            usually wasn't a problem . unless the energy 
            was off , which he felt right now . *   'm
            sylvestre . syl , preferably . i was ... in the
            asylum with lila .
            //; it's okay! i totally get it fr. wp make a drop down account option challenge !!


WHEN  YOU  GO,   @timeflames :
            not  a  surprise.   neither  of  us  have  a  penchant  for  bringing  up  family  when  it  isn't  necessary.    {  marcita  is  careful  with  her  words  as  she  assesses  the  blond,   dark  eyes  raking  over  his  figure  as  though  sizing  him  up.   just  like  mom  said,   then.  }    marcita.   you  are?
            *    so  sorry  this  is  late ,,  lowkey  forgot  the  password  for  here !!   