
apa apa diikutinn? sy buat apa diikutin?? 


Hi, this is Aii. So, i lost access to my old account (@pcrxzl). I will continue some of my works on this account and left the others on this account. Hope u guys can enjoy 'again' my story and keep ur excitement for my works 
          I will continue 'Rock With You' as soon as i can. Promises 
          I will left the link through @pcrxzl 's comment account. PLEASE STAY TUNE GUYSS. LOVE U ALL 


capek weee. bener bener capek fisik dan capek mental. tp hrs ttp senyum dan maksain ketemu byk org krn mereka butuh aku(?) sbnrny aku yg butuh mereka supaya mereka punya sedikit memori bareng aku. bener bener capek maksain buat kelihatan ada di hidup org ituuu. pdhl aku replace-able hahahahaha. sampe rumah cuma bisa diem dan malah jadi nggak beremosi. emg paling bener cuma diem di rumah dan tidur wkwkwk