
Lie Songhee and Hayoons song is in another life by Katy Perry
          	And their other life was Touch 
          	To the sum of you that commented that when Hayoon was introduced, you’re all geniuses 


@naniVkookie hayhee / songyoon 4 life


youre a genius 


Hi hi I just finished Touch and I can't tell you how much I loved it! This is just a thought but you should change the character names and try and pitch this book to a publisher!!!! It's a brilliant fantasy and has the potential of becoming an incredible fantasy novel! You'll have to refine some elements perhaps but everything else is there!!! 


I have to say, you are such a perfect writer how is it possible that all your books are so frickin good, especially synced and lie, I started crying for those ones. You are such an awesome writer with such amazing creativity and style do much amazing details that leave the writers intrigued. You literally brought me back to bts, I love you so much author-nim ❤️❤️


I've been wanting to do this for years but I just couldn't bring my introverted self to, knowing that others will be able to see this. But I just have to let it out. Nani you're a witch aren't you? You included a spell when writing Blood Rose didn't you? I'm addicted to that story, so addicted that it's beginning to scare me. It's like a tradition for me now "Read 7 stories(3 normal ones 4 fanfictions) then come back to read blood Rose". It never gets old and there's this love I have towards it. You're undoubtedly the best author on Wattpad "to me" and I can't help but feel like the book was doused with a drug or something. There's this feeling I get when I read other Sope fanfictions, (I noticed it after reading Cara's Yoonsplit) I tend to come back and read this again so it doesn't feel like I'm picking another favorite and betraying Blood Rose. I'm probably boring you but I'll just say one last thing. No other book is going to replace Blood Rose in my heart. In the whole of Wattpad, that book is number one. I appreciate your other works too but there's something about Blood Rose. I don't even relate to any character which is strange because if there's a character I relate to totally  in your books then it's "LIE's Hoseok". But that book is in second place. If you read this Nani then I just want you to know that I'll forever love Blood Rose. 
          From a ghost reader who loves the comment sections as much as she loves the stories.


just wanted to say that you're one of the people who have really really inspired me to start writing, im like so very grateful to you because you and your works really kickstarted my desire to write
          so thank you, and ily<3