
Calling all Wattpadders,
          	Thank you so much for participating in St. Vals 2024! We had a lot of fun and got some very interesting answers from everyone who participated in our activities. We have definitely uncovered many new ways to express love and heard many intriguing stories. 
          	As February and Saint Vals are coming to a close, our submission form will close within the next few hours. Please make sure that you submit your entries should you wish to participate! You can find the link and all the information right here:
          	Join us before it's too late in this celebration of love!
          	More information will follow in March.


@madebyannie Hi there! It's all in our contest guidelines, also stated in the contest's book. You should've been able to submit through the link but it has closed so it might not work because of that. Sorry!


Hello there! Two quick questions; If it’s in another language can I participate?? and if yes, how can I submit?? I tried the link you guys provided but it didn't work for me for some odd reason. 


Hello! I hope this message finds you well. I apologize for any inconvenience, but I wanted to share with you my first-ever published story on Wattpad. If you're interested, I would greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to visit my profile or click the link below. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Hai Kak! Terima kasih sebelumnya. Izin melakukan promosi cerita saya dengan Judul "Lovesick Boys". Berlatar kehidupan kampus modern, dengan tokoh mahasiswa, berisikan kisah persahabatan, asmara, konflik keluarga, hingga pencarian jati diri.
          "Yang jelas, gue cowok tulen dan normal sedari lahir! Tapi bisa-bisanya First Kiss gue, iya ciuman pertama gue, kurang jelas? Cipokan pertama gue tuh sama cowok anjir!"
          "Dan anehnya lagi, gue selalu cemburu kalo si doi deket sama cowok lain. Mau posesif tapi bukan pacar, mau cemburu juga gak ada hak, mau confess tapi tar dikira homo? Duh-duh, syulit sekali kalo uda dibendung tembok se-gender ini"
          Yuk mampir dulu dan baca ceritanya