
I just read your story Shrinking Viola and I love it!!! Like so much!! I was wondering if you were going to continue it our not. I think it's such a cute story, and I would really like to see where it goes. I think it's such a good story line, and not many people write about orchestral music in their books. And I think it's so cool that you did, because it gives musicians (like myself) a relatable story. Anyways, I love your story so much, and I hope to see more of it.


i love your writing. seriously your writing is goals and honestly i am absolutely head over heels with all of your works because you're so talented and you make my brain go to mush when i read your stuff because that's just how GOOD it is and just... please never ever stop writing because you're effing masterful at it.


Thank you so much! that is very kind and i have no intentions of stopping, rest assured :3