
I’m back FORREAL I’m tryna get back into the groove of writing check out my newest book called torn until I met you I hope y’all enjoy it 


I do hope that you are still writing, I'm not sure why whoever this is is still writing mean things on your page but I hope it doesn't discourage you...additionally if you found somewhere else to write please let me know and I will happily follow you there. Be safe boo 


Guess which one of my books is getting updated tonight?
           I was gonna discontinue it but I changed my mind after rereading it I can work with it!!
           I'm working on finishing the book hopefully by June *fingers crossed*


Which one 


 I’m writing again and I’m in a good space I hope you guys are still riding with me I’m writing a new story it’s different from the others I hope y’all enjoy it I appreciate you guys I’m gonna finish royal story also 


@johnsongirl22 yayy your back!! I'm happy you're doing well, we have missed you. Can't wait to read your new book and and see my babies come back again lol..welcome back boo!!