
I wanted to apologize about not updating my books lately. My thoughts for the books have just left and I have writer's block at the moment. I'm sorry about this but I will update when I have a quality chapter. I don't want to keep on updating and doing bad chapter, I hope you all understand. 
          	-Love you all!


I wanted to apologize about not updating my books lately. My thoughts for the books have just left and I have writer's block at the moment. I'm sorry about this but I will update when I have a quality chapter. I don't want to keep on updating and doing bad chapter, I hope you all understand. 
          -Love you all!


          Ur handle is kinda interesting which persuaded me to follow you. So why do people actually write on the message board? To request the other person to check out his book. So i hope you would do that in my case. THE ONEROUS ROYAL is the book's name and do vote and comment. I would appreciate that. I know i'm weired. Thanks btw.


@RimmalHussain Ahaha. I am a woman.


@theperfectdisguise are u in the disguise of a man or a woman? Just curious. Cant help it.