
Happy Pride month to all you cool people out there ily


You blink and 5 of of the 9 day break is over and you realise that the past 5 days being school free were also stress free and less depression filled and you actually got enough sleep and got stuff done… School takes everything out of you why do they expect so much from us it’s not fair school is literally worse than work not only do we have a long day of in class torture then they’re like now go do an hour of homework each class and three assignments and the test is this Friday… 
          I don’t want march break to end I like this too much 


@hollywoodstar58  so glad it's over soon (120 days, but we don't rlly have classes the last few days, so less than that, plus our trip to italy-)


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@hollywoodstar58 Literally school sucks. I'm glad I'm done with school for fucking ever this year.


I like boobs. I like having boobs. I just want less boobs. Is that too much to ask  


@hollywoodstar58 yes, so you get to suffer