
Happy post Thanksgiving (if you celebrated)! I made ALL OF THE FOOD this year, so it was a busy 2 days for me. Here's the Glamoured update.


Yes finally! Honestly, I'm getting fascinated and more interested in reading male as lead characters. There's just too much girl as leads. I know...there's nothing wrong with a girl as lead. I'm a girl for nuts sake. But it kind of bores me to read same personalities of some characters in different books. It's already too common to read some personalities of some characters that I can predict how they're going to react on some parts. It's either they get mad, stronger, weaker, get revenge and etc. But in a boy lead which is pretty much hard to find in wattpad or rare, it's hard for me to predict. So ig that's why I got excited when I saw your book "Yesterday's Prince" and I knew I wanna read it immediately.


Hi, wow. 
          Like damn, author. First glance at your covers and my fingers twitch to click read! 
          Haha man, I sound weird. I'll check your books sometime. You're cool. *offers you waffles and syrup*
          Okay bye. I'll go now...