


&.   finna pass out


* I do but don't trouble yourself silly willy (: I adore all your ocs


@WETBLADES     *    do you still want a gf


&.    passed out from disappointment 


⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ ❛   oh?  can’t  imagine  your
          ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ employers  at  ua  would  be
          ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ too  happy  ‘bout  you  comin’
          ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ to  see  someone  like  me.
          ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ then  again,  not  like  i  care.
          ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ money’s  money,  and  in  this
          ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ economy,  guess  i  can’t  be
          ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ too  choosy,  eh?  ❜


⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀
                 T⃨H⃨E⃨ C⃨L⃨I⃨E⃨N⃨T⃨  * @GENESPLICED
            ⠀‬‬ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ ❛  how  you’re  still  employed
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ is  a  mystery  beyond  even
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ me,  stitch-san.  ❜
            with  a  low  hum,  the  broker  nudges  the  package  across  the  floor  with  the  tip  of  his  shoe.  of  course,  the  presentation  is  inconspicuous,  a  paper-wrapped  lump  inside  a  small  cooler  made  for  beers  and  the  like.  compared  to  the  other  things  his  clients  asked  of  him,  this  was  fairly  easy  for  giran  to  find,  setting  aside  the  processing  time  and  delivery  wait.  he  graciously  laughs  at  the  jab  about  his  age,  rolling  his  pale-red  eyes  behind  his  rounded  shades.
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ ❛  old’s  gold,  my  friend.
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ as  for  the  item  …  how’s
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ five  hundred  thousand
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ yen  sound  to  ya?  four
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ thousand  to  cover  the
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ kidney  itself,  the  rest
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ to  cover  my  fees  and
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ transpo  service.  ❜


                          i  doubt  they'd  support  any  cause  of  mine.    (    fingers  gently  wrap  around  the  screw  lodges  inside  his  head,  slowly  twisting  it  to  reduce  that  god  awful  ringing  running  internally.    )    you're  starting  to  sound  your  age,  old  man.  is  that  package  mine?    (    the  cigarette  presses  in—between  his  lips,  tired  eyes  shifting  to  the  lone  box  on  the  ground.  rather  lack  lustre  for  how  long  it  took  for  a  singular  kidney,  stitch  would  have  expected  a  pretty  pink  bow  at  the  very  least.    )    how  much  was  this  again?