you look very lovely today, dani.

@oceancalled › ♔ i do believe that question does count as a specific reason. * the princess hummed while lifting her head to look him in the eyes. a sweet smile graced her lips as she proceeded her head as an answer * i’d like that very much. i was going to ask diana, but i’m quite sure she’ll find another partner of her. we can meet in my dorm later to start some work already if you’d like?

* dark brows furrowed at her rhetorical inquiry, attempting to catch and lock the gaze between the two. he failed the first time. in the meantime, he studied her features as his expression softened. he blinked to snap himself out of his gaze * wha—? oh, sorry. there’s no specific reason.. actually, do you have a partner for class? i was wondering if you’d want to pair up?

@oceancalled › ♔ not sure. do you? * the brunette quipped without looking up from her book again, her eyes flitting between the pages and her lower lip caught between her lower lip * you’re staring, dean. * she deadpanned, amusement quite clear in her tone and the corners of her lips pulling upwards slightly * is there anything you need me for?