
hello it's me again. still alive but not updating reviving love like i've been asked to do for a while now r  i p. i don't have the motivation or the interest to continue the story anymore and i'm sorry bc i know a couple of you were really wanting to read it. i don't watch ghost adventures anymore and i don't really have an interest in the show. i'm sorry. i hope you guys understand. 
          	so i guess the question is, do i leave the story up if i'm not gonna finish it? or do i take it down and make the ending of Dark Love the end of the story? what do you guys think?


hello it's me again. still alive but not updating reviving love like i've been asked to do for a while now r  i p. i don't have the motivation or the interest to continue the story anymore and i'm sorry bc i know a couple of you were really wanting to read it. i don't watch ghost adventures anymore and i don't really have an interest in the show. i'm sorry. i hope you guys understand. 
          so i guess the question is, do i leave the story up if i'm not gonna finish it? or do i take it down and make the ending of Dark Love the end of the story? what do you guys think?


Would you guys believe me if I said I forgot that I had this account. I literally just remembered that I had a Wattpad account like three days ago. Oh man. And that I was in the middle of a story. Double oh man. I'm surprised that I still remember my password tbh. Anyways, I'm terribly sorry that I just vanished for like three years. And about Reviving Love, idk what I'm gonna do with it. I don't know if I'm going to finish it or what. But when I make my decision I'll let you guys know.


Hey! Sorry if I'm bothering you, but I was wondering if you'd check out my GAC fanfic? I love yours and would really appreciate it if you maybe checked mine out and gave me some pointers if you think I could improve on anything. Thanks! :)


Hello Lovelies!
          I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in a while, it's just I've been overwhelmed with school. It's my first quarter in college, so it's taken a little bit to get used to. And these past few weeks have been all tests and essays. But it'll be over soon! I have finals today and tomorrow, and then I'm on break for a month, so I promise I'll have another chapter up most likely this weekend.
          But again, I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in a while!


Hey guys! Good news! I got a new laptop so I can continue writing the sequel to Dark Love! I've been watching Ghost Adventures and Aaron's Vlogs nonstop to get me back in the mindset to continue writing. I have some ideas floating around in my head about where I want the story to go, but we'll see. 
          Thank you all! <3