
Hey Everyone!  
          	Shoutout to everyone who’s still reading my work! 
          	There is an authors note at the end of my recent update on Invariance, explaining a little more. But the gist is I’m sorry for being MIA and my books will be completed as soon as possible. 
          	Remember I’m human and life has been weird. 
          	Go with love,
          	Mani Eden


Welcome back legend hope your doing well❤️


Welcome back❤️ missed you 


@expresslust the way I screamed when I saw an update from you! I'm so glad ur back girl♥️


Hey girl. Realized you haven’t updated in a while so I wanted to wish you lots of love in case you were down. Hope you update soon. This is my favorite book on here and I can’t wait to see who the traitor is. 
          Or traitors….???? ( mysterious investigator emoji)


That update still coming today for my Christmas gift? Pretty please. 
          Also I have a theory I’ve been holding in for a while now. 
          I think the traitor is raven. Hear me out. Everything started going haywire when they met and got together. I don’t think she’s intentionally doing but I think it’s part of her training thing from the Gemini project. Also do we ever find out what happened at the end of the twins argument? Like what was it? Would love to hear your thoughts!
          Happy holidays 


@expresslust omg okay. I’m so excited and happy you’re healthy to start writing again. I wish you the best for the holidays and great things for the new year!!


@JustHerbyherself Hi, I just updated. I love seeing everyone’s theories about who the traitor is. All I can say is that you have already been introduced to the character and the reveal as well as the why will be jaw dropping! 


@JustHerbyherself @hatcococa Hi, I just updated. I love seeing everyone’s theories about who the traitor is. All I can say is that you have already been introduced to the character and the reveal as well as the why will be jaw dropping! 


Hey Everyone!  
          Shoutout to everyone who’s still reading my work! 
          There is an authors note at the end of my recent update on Invariance, explaining a little more. But the gist is I’m sorry for being MIA and my books will be completed as soon as possible. 
          Remember I’m human and life has been weird. 
          Go with love,
          Mani Eden


Welcome back legend hope your doing well❤️


Welcome back❤️ missed you 


@expresslust the way I screamed when I saw an update from you! I'm so glad ur back girl♥️