
/   i  hate  myself  for  the  amount  of  times  i’ve  changed  his  fc  but  goddamn


@mospelgo  /   so  true  !!   he  has  to  serve  and  slay  while  committing  war  crimes  !!  


/    its bc hes slay


thought i told ya not t'    show your face    'round these parts.    do i gotta give lorgan another message?


[  adwin is not the one to intimidate,  not now nor ever.  since the early days in the collective  &  since he could remember,  he was  lorgan morvellan’s  sharp edge—  the knife sent to pierce through skin,  not to kill.  a loudmouth with the rage  &  drive for the rivalry against  @mospelgo  —the man he once called his brother;  he knows what  cobb vanth  is capable of  &  his words only make him halt  ]   yes,  /sir/.   [  a mocking salute  &  he turns around,  but the silence doesn’t last long.  at cobb’s last words,  adwin chuckles  ]   what  was  that?  you’re  beggin’?   that’s  more  like  it—  but  /don’t/  ..  don’t  bring  jo  into  this.  
            /   HOT  DAMN  COBB  


you—    *    for the first time since that stranger entered his town    &    shot down the deputy,    cobb freezes.    any other time    &    he would have shoved adwin away,    maybe shot him in the foot for good measure.    now,    however,    there is little else he can do aside from step back,    trigger finger twitching over his blaster.    his voice grows dangerously low.    *    you shut your mouth.    you tell movellan if he shows up here i'll make sure he don't leave.    or d'ya want me t'    carve it into your face so ya don't forget,    charu?    get outta here.    leave the town alone.    leave jo alone.    leave    /me/    alone.    (    ...    )    'm beggin'    ya.


ya  heard  me.   [   adwin charu  &  his challenging nature will get him killed,   he knows.  he’s heard everyone warn him about it—  but there is one twisted truth to it:  it makes life a bit more exciting to live  ]   nice  warning.  but  we  ain’t  asking,   [  he gives a step forward towards  @mospelgo ;   he’d be damned  ]   we  know  your  heart  stopped  for  good—  how  much  time  were  you  out?   lorgan  ain’t  afraid  to  come  shoot  you  on  your  /good/  shoulder.  so  /watch/  it,  yeah? 


put your hands where i can see    'em,    stranger.
          /    hehehe.    hehehehehe.


yeah—  not  dead  ..  /yet/   [  he jokes,  eyes squinting as he follows  @deputied  line of sight  ]   that’s  a  ..  oh  no,   [  he climbs off the rock he was standing on,  heading towards the open field  ]   the  hell  is  a  fathier  doin’  in  tatooine?  


hey,    you're not dead,    are ya?    you're fine.    *    hands come to rest on her hips,    &    she smiles up at the other,    nudging him in the shoulder.    *    the kriff is    /that/?    is it dead?    awe,    poor thing.    :(


kriffin’—  /jo/,   [  he lets out a relieved chuckle,  hands lowering as he turns to face  @deputied  ]   don’t  scare  me  like  that.  i  thought  i  was  /dead/.  


that's my table,    charu.


uh-huh.    then go n'    sit somewhere else.    's my table.    *    why he gets so defensive over a table would be unknown to even the best detectives.    cobb takes the bottle of spotchka from taanti with a quiet word of thanks,    &    he stalks back over to his table,    drumming fingertips against the surface.    *    you're gettin'    awful dumb,    huh?    i'll let it slide today,    but you ain't welcome back here no more.    we've been through this.


..  right.   [  an eyebrow raises as he looks up at  @mospelgo  ;   licking his dry lips as he leans back on his chair  ]   i’m  /waiting/  for  someone.  not  you,  though.  don’t  get  your  hopes  up.  


you still ain't bein'    quiet.    *    he finishes the glass in one quick movement,    standing back up after a moment's silence.    *    i can drink.    it ain't a big deal.    the hell're you still doin'    here?


adwin!    adwin,    hey,    wait up!    what's goin'    on? 


nothing.   [   his expression softens  as he stops on his tracks to turn to her,  a reassurant smile on his lips  ]   trust  me,  aye?   it’s  nothing.   just—  vanth’s  not  that  happy  that  i,  uh…  took  something.  


you sure?    you never gotta—    *    a frown tugs at her lips,    then,    &    jo meets his gaze,    scrutinous    &    wary.    *    what'd you do?    adwin—


@sunswallowed   i,  uh—  nothin’!  nothing!  i  just  gotta  …  leave  in  a  hurry.  i’m  sorry,  starlight—  